Monday, August 29, 2011

Owl beanie and mobile time!

This last week Ronin has been on "vacation" with Grandma and Grandpa at their boat house all week.  He has been loving being on the river and going for boat rides and playing in the sand.  One evening he and daddy even went for a tube ride on the river, in which Grandpa accidentally dumped them in the water.  Ronin was a champ though and didn't cry or get upset.  I am sad I didn't get to see his first time tubing though!  I was at home resting.

I went in for an emergency check-up on Friday, afraid I was leaking amniotic water.  Fortunately that wasn't the case, and Quinn, or "Kung-Fu-Panda" as I'm going to refer to him, just enjoys kicking me repeatedly in the bladder all. day. long.  ugh.  But the doctor said I did exactly what they would expect me to do - get checked out because it's hard to tell if it's nothing or something serious.  And something about something being fully dialated, but the inner part that counts is 0% dialated, which is normal for a 2nd pregnancy... I should really re-read all this pregnancy stuff!  She also informed me that I'm slightly anemic - which my other doctor hasn't discussed with me at all... maybe that accounts for my total lack of energy lately?  Probably not... I think just being pregnant is enough!

I finally recieved the owl beanie my mom ordered for little Quinn, it is SO cute!  I can't wait for him to wear it :)  I sent one just like it to another friend who is having a boy -- just wait -you'll see them everywhere soon!

Owl Beanie

Over the weekend we did a little garage saling, so of course Rory got "antique" things he's trying to resell on Ebay, and Ronin got a rock, a yard stick (both free- thank goodness) and a really cool Star Wars light saber for cheap.  During one of our garage sale drives we wound up taking an hour drive up to Larch mountain and back down around Lucia falls by mistake, but it was a nice drive in the woods anyway... and I told Ronin about BigFoot and now he's afraid BigFoot lives by our house... even though I explained he stays in the woods and may or may not eat hikers... poor kid.      

Ronin and I worked on some crafts yesterday, I finished Quinns mobile and hung it on the ceiling.  Ronin wants me to finish his for him since he's bored of punching the shapes and poking holes in shapes to be hung...  and he's still going through the babies room taking toys out and telling me he's been "looking for these for weeks!".  It's so funny how he really never played with those toys as a baby and now that he is bigger he thinks they are fun. 

Quinns mobile - butterflies and owls.

That was about it for our week... I had to order a Phineas and Ferb book (used) for Ronin because he's become obsessed with that cartoon lately.  And I think we'll have to add a childrens microphone & stand to his Christmas list since he's been running around the house with his little radio/microphone Aunt Tammie gave him singing as loud as he can!  It's very cute and I need to catch him in action when I have fresh batteries in my video recorder!

I hope everyones week is a good one!  Lots of love!


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