Thursday, September 15, 2011

Some Ronin Videos...

When posting the swim class videos I had some other older videos I ran across... so here is a bunch of them!

Ronin dancing to Michael Jackson (July 2010 - 2 1/2 yrs old)

Rory and Ronin playing the piano (July 2010 - 2 1/2 yrs old)

Ronin singing his ABC's (July 2010 - 2 1/2 yrs old)

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (July 2010 - 2 1/2 yrs old)

Ronin singing ABC's and playing piano (Sept 2010 - 2 1/2 yrs old)

Ronin talking about green girlfriends (Sept 2010)

Ronin saying he has no time for me... (Sept 2010)

Ronin soccer class (Sept 2010)

Ronin singing about monsters (Jan 2011 - almost 3!)

Ronin playing in the snow (Jan 2011)

Singing to Syd the Science Kid (Sept. 2010?)

Ronin telling us about dreams (Sept 2011 - 3 1/2 yrs old)

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