Monday, May 4, 2015

A Taste of Pre-School, New Ink, and Hiking!

I didn't have the boys this weekend... but we tried to have lots of fun during the week!  Nana even came up for a few days to watch Quinn while I was at work.  Apparently Quinn talked her ear off.  It was pretty cute watching him sit on her and jabber away.  hehe 

Poor Cheyla is still not able to babysit since she's got so many surgeries scheduled to repair her arm after the car accident.  I'm sure when she's able to come back the boys will appreciate having her there!  I know I will!  Ronin will get to see Bella in the mornings now, so that should be something fun for him.  Quinn started pre-school today!  I took him on Friday to see the classroom and meet the teachers so it wouldn't be such a shock.  I think he'll really enjoy it!

A couple weeks ago Quinn had his first dentist appointment.  I forgot to post about it!  He watched Ronin get his teeth cleaned and when it was his turn he decided to throw himself on the floor instead.  Eventually I convinced him to lay on top of me to get his teeth checked.  No cavities for either boy, but Ronin has a chipped tooth - not sure when that happened!  So we have to go in in another couple of weeks to repair that.
After his cleaning

Ronin and Bella made more Perler bead creations -- Groot is Ronin's, the unicorn is mine.

Being goofy :)

Thursday while Ronin was playing at Bella's, Quinn and I went for a ride

I finally washed my car- Quinn soaked me with the hose!  ha ha!

I took Friday off to hang out with Quinn and get some house-stuff done.  We started our day at the coffee house because he wanted his very own coffee (hot chocolate).  We visited Cheyla in the hospital, and then went to Lowes to get stuff for the yard.  When we got back Quinn wanted to go for another bike ride before lunch and nap, so we rode to a park under some trees.  :) Quinn didn't wake from his nap before Ronin's school was over so I couldn't pick him up from school.  Which made Ronin really sad.  I felt so bad!  I promised him I'd get off early one day to pick him up soon.  And then he told me he wanted to stay at home with me this last weekend because he just had daddy the weekend before.  Poor guy.  That broke my heart because there's nothing I can do about it. :(   When Rory asked Ronin what he was upset about, he told him it was because I didn't pick him up from school, instead of that he wanted to stay home with me.  :(  And now they have a THIRD weekend in a row without me.  At least I get Mother's day on Sunday...    

Quinn's "coffee"

At the treed park


On Saturday I had an appointment to get a new tattoo :)  I was super excited because I had the tattoo artist draw it up and I got to see his idea on Tuesday.  I wanted something with the boy's names in it.  And something that people can actually see this time.  I decided to do it because I'm not getting any younger, I don't really need to save my skin for bridesmaids dresses, classy cocktail events, or beauty pageants.  And I'm kind of tired of avoiding things that other people don't approve of or trying to be prim and proper when I'm not.  But at least I can cover it up and it's not crawling up my neck! 
Shawn doing my tattoo

The finished product.  I love, love, love it :)
My friends Brandee and Julie took me hiking on Sunday.  It was such a perfect day for it.  We were freezing at first though.  And I hate going uphill!  But we made it through PonyTail Trail and to the Triple Falls.  Very pretty!

Brandee, me and Julie stopping at Multnomah Falls

Cool view

Cool waterfall

More waterfalls

Us being cheesy

The sign said "ONE PERSON AT A TIME!" such rule breakers...  haha

And we found an elusive unicorn!

When I put the unicorn mask on a guy from across the water asked me to leave it on so he could get a picture.  It's a very social piece :)  I hope to take the boys hiking a lot this summer.  Maybe some easier trails though... I don't want to carry anybody...  ;)

I can't wait to pick Quinn up and ask how his first day of pre-school went today!  I miss them both so much!  It's tough trying to get my time in with them on the weeknights after work, we are very limited.  :(

15 more days...

Lots of love,

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