Monday, May 11, 2015

Pre-School and Mothers Day

Not much going on...  Quinn likes his pre-school, although by the end of the week he wanted me to stay with him longer and longer each morning.  Friday Ronin wasn't feeling well so I went in to work late to make sure he was okay to go to school.  I got to send him off to school and stay with Quinn at his preschool before I went to work.  Quinn was happy to show me everything in his classroom and some of his friends.  The teacher said his favorite toy is the Buzz Lightyear doll. haha  Of course it is!

Quinn's first day of pre-school

Avayah and Bella hanging out watching TV with the boys

Quinn snuggling with Avayah

Pinterest is the devil - mostly... but this last "project" actually turned out the way it was supposed to!  Turning a tee-shirt into a tank top.  SUPER easy, even a cave-woman can do it.  So I did.  This might have been the first Pinterest project I didn't completely fail at.

Pinterest tank top!  This is my tie-dye shirt we made a while ago.

Quinny at Preschool :)

Little ham

Friday I got off a little early to pick up the boys before they had to go to their dads house.  Ronin gave me a "Top 10 Reasons I Love My Mom" assignment.  It's funny!  I am so glad I taught him how to use (yous) the TV. haha

Quinny made a Mothers Day picture for me at pre-school too :)


On Sunday I picked the boys up and we got some snacks to pack in our backpacks for a hike.  Although Lewisville Park isn't really a huge "hike" - they were impressed with the flowers and trees and the length of the walk we took though it all.  We picked some flowers so we could press them and add them to a journal we are starting. We went home for naps since mommy wasn't feeling well and watched Toy Story 3 (again!).  We discussed, at length, our need for new markers - so we made a trip to the craft store and everyone got their own set of markers and a marker-box to keep them in.  We drew  and colored pictures until it was time to go.  Ronin said I'm good at making robots and owls, but not very good at drawing baby Groot.  haha

Lewisville Park :)  My favorite place!

That's about it...  My sinus's are killing me and I lost most of my voice already this week.  I hate being sick!  But at least the boys seem to be getting better from their colds.  And I have them this weekend :)   Yay!

Quinn keeps asking me "when til Kiera dies and we get a bulldog?"  haha  I told him she doesn't have to be dead for us to get a bulldog so we'll probably get one next year.  I suppose he remembers me saying we couldn't get another dog until she passes away.  I don't want him trying to poison her or something just so we can get a new dog!   She's feeling SO much better on her arthritis medicine, she's getting perky again.  She was exhausted from our little hike at Lewisville.  poor girl.

Not much else going on with the boys...  Ronin is a smart boy and I encourage him to question things people say and do -- but that seems to backfire on me when I tell him something and he questions me. haha  Guess it's a double edged sword.   Quinn is still asking me a million questions about the battery in my car, and wants to know why I don't own a wave runner.  I told him I don't really like the water and would rather be in the forest.  He told me I should get a wave runner anyway. haha

Lots of love,

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