Monday, April 27, 2015

Hair Cuts and BBQ

Ronin brought home his last spelling test -- he's getting pretty confident and wrote a note telling his teacher that he knew he got them right.  She might as well stop checking his work since he's been nailing all of his spelling tests lately.  It's funny that she corrected his spelling in his note to her. hehe   He's getting so good at reading!  I can't spell words in front of him anymore because he knows what I'm saying!  It is finally clicking and coming together- I'm excited for him to start reading on his own!  I hope he loves to read as much as I do!

My "Flying Speghetti Monster" tshirt came just in time for a music concert I went to last weekend.  When I gave the door-man our tickets at the concert he recognized my shirt and we high-fived for the Speghetti Monster. haha

It says "he boiled for your sins"

"Faith No More" at the Keller!  They were the first concert I ever went to and it's been 20+ years!

The boys and the neighbor kids have been on an ice cream sandwich kick the last few weeks, I finally stopped buying the sandwiches because they were getting eaten too fast.  Instead I bought a ton of toppings and vanilla ice cream so they could make their own creation.  

Marshmallows, sprinkles, whipped topping, chocolate chips...  what could be better??

It was Quinny approved

A couple weekends ago we got all of our hair cuts done and I wanted something different done to my color - a little fiestier...  so I went red "ombre".  Still not sure if I like it.

My hair lady had me hold her baby while she cleaned up. 
She fell asleep watching animal videos with me on my phone :)  so cute!

New hair for both of us :)

Close to the picture I had in mind... Minus the great skin and body. haha

That Saturday we played in the yard and the cul-de-sac with the neighbors.  It was such a perfect weekend - not too hot and defintiley not too cold. Sunday we had a couple of people over for a barbecue, my first of the year at our house :)

Quinn being goofy

Quinny loves Avaya :)

Julie, Gigi (Bella's mom), and me :)

Quinn helping the unicorn walk...

Funny kids

One of their forts they made in the dining room :)

I missed them last weekend :(  I hate the multiple weekends without them!  May 19th is drawing near and it will be nice to have a set schedule and know what's going on the rest of the time.  I miss my boys!!

Lots of love,

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