Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Ice Cream Truck and Beach Day

New blog update! yay!  

A few weeks ago the boys really wanted to get ice cream from the ice cream truck, I gave Ronin $7, but he lost the five-dollar bill before he even left the yard, so when he went to pay, he couldn't.  Which resulted in several tears and massive disappointment.  We found the lost bill in the front yard, but it was too late, the ice cream truck was gone.  So the next day when they heard the enticing music, which meant over-priced ice cream is on it's way, I gave Ronin the ice cream money and he promised not to lose it.   I figured they should experience buying food from a sketchy van at least once in their childhood.  They were so happy to be slurping on Sponge Bob and Spiderman's sticky face - it was like they killed their own meal and dragged it back to camp or something, they were very proud of their victory.   Unfortunately they keep asking to do it again and again, like a drug, they just keep looking for their next fix... I haven't let them buy it since, but now I'm afraid it was a gateway drug to something far worse, what if they start chasing taco-trucks?  or "Free Candy" vans?  :/

Delicious Victory!

Quinn harassing the cat

Ronin's "Green Ninja" Halloween costume...

One night I decided to make something with a butternut squash from my Paleo recipes.  Quinn was so excited that we were going to eat it that he brought it to his seat and tried to bite into it, when he couldn't he decided to lick it instead.  Weirdo.  We made a shepherds pie kind of meal and it was really good.  I should probably plant some of those next year.

Licking the squash

Happy with the squash

Ronin crawled into bed with me one morning and brought his sleep mask.

Alesha riding a horse at Costco - I want one!

Last weekend I took the boys, Alesha and Madison to Long Beach for the day.  The weather was so perfect that day!  I think this was the first time I've been there where it's been warm and not windy or overcast.  We made sand castles and played in the water.  Quinn is not a fan of the waves, he came running back to me when he got close.  Ronin and Alesha collected dead crab parts to make "Castle Crab".  Madison is a hard working little castle architect. Her castle was crab-corpse-free.

Madison working on her castle

Madison losing her feet
Ronin and my "Castle Crabs"

 Crab parts 

This is Alesha and Madison running after Quinn - the waves scared him.

Running in a big ocean puddle

This is what they were doing on the car ride home.

Quinn kept telling me, as I was putting him to bed, "I had fun at the ocean beach momma!  With Ronin and you and Alesha and Madison."  aw :)  and he will forget all about it in a few weeks...  Ronin said he had fun singing at the top of our lungs with the car windows open on the way home.  :)

When we came home my gargabe disposal was magically replaced with a much better one... That was a pretty amazing treat.  And yes, I might be spoiled.  ;)

One night we broke out some face paint and Alesha made Quinn a puppy.

At Gustav's for Fondue!

Waiting for his meal

Quinn likes to hang out with Alesha

Quinny playing with the train after we cleaned the playroom

What else is going on?  Ronin went to his first Cub Scout meeting.  He's going to be a Tiger Scout.  I accidentally volunteered to be one of the "den" leaders... but this was before I realized it's a weekly commitment...  Ronin is very excited to learn how to do things, but also very disappointed to learn there are buttons on his uniform. ha ha!  

So far in first grade Ronin has weekly spelling tests.  I have yet to see how he's doing on them, but we practice every night and he writes them in the morning before school.  I told him if he gets ALL five right I'll give him $5.  So he's trying a little harder since he wants money to blow.  

Quinn likes the song "All About That Bass".  Here's the song/video (wait for the ad to go away): Quinns New Favorite Song   He likes to tell me he's bringing booty back. haha

Ronin is spending a lot of time with his friends after school, so my door is a revolving one with kids always in and out.  I can't seem to get rid of all the flys they let in, Kiera likes to catch and eat them (the fly's not the kids).  Ronin wants to get a "best friends" necklace to share with Bella, how sweet is that?!  When Bella goes home at the end of the night both Ronin and Quinn cry sometimes.  Maybe they need a puppy...   haha

I think I talked Quinn into being MAX from "Where the Wild Things Are" for Halloween.  He didn't like my idea of him being Davy Crockett, and he has practically memorized the book... I just hope it's not too hard to make.   Here's Quinn reciting some of Where the Wild Things Are:  Quinn reading with me

I'm so much happier with the boys home during the week.  Things have calmed down, we are getting into our routine again, everything is good.  :)

Nana had back surgery and is back in the hospital this week-- feel better soon Mom!!

That's all for now... I think...  I know I'm forgetting something entertaining the kids did or said...  

Lots of love,

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