Friday, October 17, 2014

Cub Scouts and Tonsills

A few weeks have gone by since I updated this...  Ronin had another Cub Scout meeting, but this time he got to wear his uniform.  He's wearing the wrong color of hat/scarf for his den though, so we had to order the right color for tigers this week.  So far the big meetings are pretty boring for him, which I agree, they are.  We have our first Den meeting tonight, where he'll earn a bead or something to work towards a badge.  That should be more fun for him.

Cub scout

They made cookies - Quinn got in on the snacking

A couple weekends ago Ronin was pretty sick with a high fever at night and he eventually lost his voice.  I took him to urgent care that Sunday to make sure it was okay for him to return to school the next day.  He had viral laryngitis.  Poor guy.  He missed an entire SUNNY weekend of playing with his neighbor friends because of it.

He had to wear a face mask because he was coughing

Generation "Kindle"

Sunday after his doctor visit we were going crazy to get outside so we took a drive to Nana and Papas place in Battle Ground so I could show the boys the property and the barn.  Uncle Scott showed up with his fish he caught that day.  Quinn was pretty grossed out and wouldn't touch it.  

Uncle Scott, Ronin and the fish

Quinny really wanted to go to the forest, so we drove to Lewisville Park before dinner time.


We found some squirrels, this one looked back at us

My coffee is never safe when Quinn finds it
The weekend we were house-bound with Ronin's sickness Robert made the bunny a hutch!  Quinn likes to take everyone out in the backyard to show them the new bunny hutch.  And bunny seems pretty happy not to be living in his own poop. :)

Ronin's new sweatshirt...  

Once Ronin was feeling better -- ALL the neighbor kids came over to color.

Ronin's been doing well on his spelling tests :)  I bought him a game called "Mine Craft" for doing well on his tests.

He lost another tooth!  The tooth fairy gave him a dollar coin :)

Quinn coloring

Playing Mine Craft with his friends

This disgusting thing was by my front door the other day- yuck!

Yesterday Ronin and Bella wanted to see each other's Halloween costumes - so freaking cute!

I had my Tonsils out last Wednesday, I'll spare everyone the pictures, but it's been a tougher recovery than I anticipated.  My energy is zapped and it's painful to sleep, but each night/day seems to get better and less painful.  I returned to work for part of the day yesterday and today.  I should be fine by next week :)   This weekend we are going with Kim and her kids to the "Fruit Loop" in Hood River to visit the apple orchards and get family pictures!  Should be fun :)

Lots of love,

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