Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Civil War and BBQ

Long 3-day weekends are the best!  Robert, Damen, Madison and I went to a Civil War reenactment at Fort Stevens on Saturday.  It was actually pretty cool.  I'm not saying that I'm ever going to don a 19th century gown or volunteer to forgo my kindle and iPhone for a whole weekend... but it was pretty entertaining to observe.   They reenacted a battle with canons and guns and swords and horses - it was pretty slow moving... but in the end the North still won ;)

The confederate camp

Madison said "Look there's a door!" and down she went...

Waiting for something to happen in the battlefield

I mentioned how cute Quinn would be in a coon-skin hat... and on the way back from the car with Damon - Robert brought back a coon-skin hat for Quinny and a confederate hat - he said he felt like representing the underdog.  haha

I picked the boys up Sunday evening, I missed them so much!  It felt like I hadn't seen them in forever!  

Quinn calls it his "kitty hat"  

Quinn played me some music

A rare photo of Ronin - since he's usually playing with his neighbor friends!

Quinn brought his doctor kit out and played doctor on me.

He pinky-swore that he'd buy me a giant house when he becomes a doctor.  Although at first he told me "no" when I asked if he'd take care of me when I'm old.

Monday was a holiday and some of my friends and I decided to have a BBQ at my house.  It was the perfect day for it and although I might have over-cooked the burgers, it was nice being happy outside with my boys and friends, there's not enough of those moments!  The boys ran around like wild Tarzan children or something, but they were fed, playing and happy that Mom wasn't checking on them every second. I'm sure I'll find evidence of mischief sooner or later... haha

Quinn and I were looking at the clouds together when my friend Kim took our pictures.  They turned out really cute!

Alesha in the coon-hat

Robert trying to be a Brandee-creeper... haha

My new friends Mechell and Nate!

Alesha "loving" Axl uncomfortably... haha

Quinn offering the fruit he doesn't like to Madison

School starts tomorrow!  I'm happy to have the boys back during the week...  the summer was too long!  Bring on the falling leaves, warm soups, rainy weather and jack-o-lanterns!  My favorite time of the year! 

The link below is soooo funny- it's two guys reenacting their son's story about a salesman.  The boys and I watched it about 10 times laughing every time.  Kim and I wanted to do something like it but then we realized we'd probably get the timing all wrong and it wouldn't turn out as cool...  

Lots of love,

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