Monday, July 14, 2014

Ape Caves Take #2

Week number two without the boys...  This week seems a bit harder already with the boys gone.  I keep forgetting that they won't be there when I get home... and it's only Monday.  I guess they are going to Vegas this week to visit their aunt and cousins.  Maybe just knowing they are further away makes it harder... or maybe it's not going to get easier. 
Last weekend when the boys came back I had little surprises for them.  Ronin is really into Pokemon, so I got him some trading cards and Quinny I got a notebook to write in and they both got little lunch tins to put their stash in.   Ronin made his cards their own carrying case, he's actually on his second homemade case because this one ripped.

Crafty Ronin with his homemade Pokemon case

Quinny and Bella writing in his notebook

It's been so nice this last week!  We played outside a lot, took Kiera for a walk, worked in the yard, went to an outdoor concert, went to the Ape caves, played in the sprinkler... 
Playing in the Jeep - we finally got the battery charged

At the outdoor concert

The boys with Randi at Brandee's house for a Portland to Coast meeting
Quinn kept asking when we could go back to the ape caves, so finally I "caved" in and decided to go Saturday.  Not wanting to go alone since I kind of knew I'd be carrying Quinn part of the way or the whole way - we had Robert and two of his kids- Madison and Damen; and my friend Kim brought her boyfriend and her daughter Ally.  Apparently everyone else had the same idea because it was packed and parking was pretty scarce.  Quinn was scared to let me put him down, so I carried him the whole way inside the lower lava tube, I think it's 1.5 miles round trip.  My shoulders are killing me.  Ronin loved it, his little legs were getting tired, but he was a trooper and didn't complain.  He found a cool little spot where the rocks were really reflective (mica?).  I asked Quinn if he wanted to do it again, and he said "NOOOOOO."   But yesterday he came up to me and said "remember the ape cave?  I want to go again! I'll walk this time mommy."  Somehow I don't believe him.
Sparkly cave
 And when we got home, we turned on the sprinkler to wash off all of our sweat :)

Video of Quinn in the sprinkler

That night Robert and I had dinner with some friends at Edgefield to celebrate Brandee's birthday.  It was weird out there.  Random gardens, orchards and a golf course with a ton of little buildings. 

Amanda photo-bombing us ;)

Sunday the boys and I hung out at home, I got a little yard work done and I made a rhubarb crisp that I shared with my neighbor, Gigi.  Quinn discovered that dipping rhubarb in sugar is amazing!  So I found a lot of half-chewed-on pieces of rhubarb around the house.  Ronin wanted to play some games, so we played Hungry-Hungry Hippos and the fishing game - Quinn pretty much sabotaged each.  While Quinn was distracted with playing something else we got the Simpsons chess game out.  I slowly went through every move the pieces could make and each time it was his turn I'd explain who can move where and what would happen if he did.  It didn't take him long before he was thinking very strategically without me explaining anything- I was actually impressed with some of his moves and it didn't take long for him to capture my king!  He brought the game to daddy's to play with him too this week.  It's pretty cool to see his brain grasping strategy and liking this game. 

Ronin even cleaned the playroom on Sunday, I think he's hoping he'll get more Pokemon cards to come home to. haha  Quinn did the opposite of cleaning.  So now they are with their father and I miss them, but they are having fun and I'm glad.  Hopefully the week will go by quickly... and the summer too.

Lots of love,

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