Monday, July 28, 2014

Training wheels and Astoria

This last week we took a day-trip to Astoria, Oregon to go exploring.  We started out at the Bow Picker - it was raining for our whole drive until we stopped here for lunch.  It's an old fishing boat they turned into a place to order fish and chips- which just happens to be the best fish I think I've ever eaten!  The boys loved it too, which says a lot since they were dipping it in ketchup.  yuck.  After lunch we went to the Maritime Museum.  I didn't think they'd like it very much but they got to touch everything and board the U.S.S. Columbia docked right outside in the river. 

Right outside the museum - Ronin is holding his breath like he's under water. haha

After the museum we headed to Fort Stevens.  Since it had rained earlier that day there weren't a lot of people doing the touristy things, which was lucky for us, we had the place to ourselves.  The boys loved this place, but Quinn got a little scared when we went down into the darker concrete rooms, he called it the "spooky place" after we left there.  haha  Looking at the photo below it does look a bit spooky and ominous...

After Fort Stevens we headed to Fort Clatsop, and lucky us, they were having a "Kids Day" there where the boys got to fill out an activity book to earn their Junior Ranger badges and make pressed flower bookmarks. Quinn got his face painted with a snake too.

Hanging out with Sacajawea

Filling out their Jr. Ranger books

This old guy gave a fire demonstration... he also fell off the bench. haha

On our way home, barely out of Astoria
Also exciting news - Ronin asked me to take his training wheels off his bike.  I was a little unsure at first, but I took them off, he fell three times and then he was riding his bike without training wheels!  He's growing up!  I'm pretty proud that he wanted to do it on his own and did it.  Now the neighbor kids have created a formidable biker gang...

Quinn is pretty proud of his brother - and he's trying to get away with something here...

His first ride without the extra wheels- I think he's concentrating really hard.

BFF's - Bella and Ronin
We had a fun weekend with Nana visiting.  We got to have a BBQ and do some visiting :) 

Us goofing around before Daddy comes to pick them up.

They called this a brother-hamburger... seems fitting
And now they are gone for the week.  :(  Ronin had a little harder time leaving me this time, I'm not sure why.  It makes me sad when he gets sad so I told him to have a super-fun time and not to worry about me because I have plenty to do until they come home again.
Quinny's new favorite song is apparently "Pumped up Kisses" (Pumped up Kicks), and we had to listen and dance to it over and over on Sunday before they left.  I like Pumped up Kisses better than Kicks ;)
Some random pictures:
Us at dinner a couple weeks ago- I like this picture- we aren't making funny faces. yet.

A bunch of our coworkers

Quinny walking Kiera

Hanging with the dog
Quinny is checking out the little lady Byrekka was babysitting last week
Lost of love,

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