Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Beach and Dino-theft

What did we do?  I totally don't remember... but there was a trip to the beach with Nana!  And a really really really really over-priced and completely lame dinosaur exhibit at the fair grounds. 
My boys :)

Quinn took Ronin's hat

So, I bought him his own hat :)  angry birds. very appropriate. ha ha

Ronin got a few new shirts, this was our favorite :)

Long road trip to the beach - Long beach was super windy and cold ON the beach, but we got to walk the strip a little, eat a lot, and go on quite the hike to the lighthouse. 

This is how he rolls after he's done eating...

GRUMPY boy - he needs a nap.

Coloring with Nana

The dinosaur exhibit sounded REALLY exiting on the radio and TV...  but I could have hired a bounce house and turned on Jurassic park for the same effect... and the lines would have been better.  Quinn was scared of the animatronic Dino's, although they weren't very life-like but he's afraid of dust bunnies so this was highly traumatic for him to see creatures with teeth moving.

He's pretty pissed right about now...

At work there were a lot of retirements going on...  so there was a lot of screwing off, eating and celebrating with coworkers.

My boss Helen, me, Rick, Maureen, and Terri

My good friend, Kitty (aka Deborah)

Whew, there were a lot of pictures!  Not a whole lot else... I might have eaten clam chowder and gotten sick since it was out of the fridge for 3 hours or more...  Quinn is growing a little Adolf Hitler mustache, I'm sure of it...   He's sooooo ornery!  Smashing popcorn into the couch, and jumping on it to really get it in all the nooks and crannies, telling me "I'm the boss of you!", creeping out of his crib and softly chanting "Mommmmmy...." until I come in to find him sitting on Ronin's bed, and all of Ronin's blankets and stuffed animals were thrown into his own crib.  How can I not laugh at his shenanigans?!   And Ronin is growing up and we are enjoying a couple of new books from his book-fair he just had at school. He still thinks poop is hilarious, and I must admit, I do too, but we might have to start a "poop jar" with money taken from him -to limit the amount of poop stories he tells.  He needs to learn that poop jokes are only appreciated in moderation...

I get the boys again this weekend :)

Lots of love,

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