Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter is Lame

Last week went by way too fast.  There was a lot of playing outside and coloring easter eggs.  I finally finished painting my bedroom, next is my bathroom and to finish the boys's room...  Last weekend was Easter- we went to Mike and Shelley's house on Sunday to have dinner.  Afterwards we rode bikes to the park to play. 
Ronin made this bunny at school :)
Coloring eggs
Trying to eat an egg...
Quinny loves Bella
The morning of easter the boys and I took a package of peeps to Brandee and Byrekka's houses to "peep" their house before they woke up.  The boys thought it was pretty funny, and so did the girls. :)
Brandee's front porch with peeps
We had really good ham and food at Mike and Shelleys.  We took Alesha with us to entertain her.  Quinn thinks she's pretty cool. He stole some of her chocolate.
Finding easter eggs

He left the red egg and picked up the gnome instead...

Goof ball

The girls
Open it!

Ronin and Sean finding eggs

One night I was in my room while the boys were watching something in the living room and Quinn came in to see what I was doing, and we decided to lay on our backs and ride our bikes and ski... we had a whole saying and routine.  He tries to recite it back to me - it's too cute, here's the video of him saying "ride your bike" and "ski, ski, ski".

Quinn riding his bike and skiing
Now I won't have them for 3 more weekends.  :(   We'll be going to Nana and Papa's one of these weekends.  Ronin misses Tina and Quinny wants to bring Kiera...  strange boys.
Lots of Love,

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