Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March Puppy Moo's

It's been a couple of weeks, I thought I had written since Ronin's birthday but I guess not.  The boys are growing and Quinny's vocabulary and sentences have really boomed lately!  Except for the time we were in Target and he said "Look mommy, I'm a puppy, MOOO!"  which, technically he did speak every word of it very well...   He's got a little bit of my twisted sense of humor and I can only see me encouraging him and it growing to astronomical proportions before he needs therapy as an adult...

I don't even remember what we did the last two weeks... I got some pony beads for the boys to make bracelets and necklaces out of.  Quinn made me a bracelet, but then he kept it.  He lost it, and then he found it and wore it again yesterday.

Ronin making daddy a necklace

Stupid cat

This last week it was really nice outside for a couple of days so I took the car to the car wash, Quinn hated it and cried the whole time... I should have known since he's afraid of the vacuum and the lawn mower that he'd hate the car wash too...

I had to hold his hand while we went through the car wash

Quinn and I drew pictures while Ronin played with the neighbors

Last week we rode bikes and then Bella came over to play with the boys.  We broke out the Monopoly Junior game and I set it up for Ronin and Bella.  I gave Quinn the pieces we weren't playing with but he quickly became frustrated that he couldn't touch the board, so he swiped all the pieces off with his arm.  I put him in time-out for doing it.  A little while later I was putting him in his pajamas in his room while Ronin and Bella were still playing the game in the living room.  Quinn was between me and the open door to the bedroom - I looked up at him, he looked back at the door and then back to me before grinning and running as fast as he could toward the living room, where I chased him but wasn't in time to keep him from kicking the board and all the pieces across the floor.  Mischievous much?
Riding bikes through puddles
Bella, the bunny and the boys
Since it was SO nice outside and I had some energy to burn I decided to get rid of the rhododendron that I've always hated. The only tool I could find was a hand saw.... but I got it cut down and now I need to find something else to put there that isn't so ugly and bush-like.

 Look!  No Rhodie!

Quinn really liked this bike at Toys-R-Us

Usually at night right before I put Quinn in his bed we sing a few songs, usually we hum some lullaby together and then we sing "You are my Sunshine" and "Row Row Row Your Boat"... and occasionally Quinny decides he hates my singing, which I can't blame him, but I finally caught him in action shushing me...

Don't sing mommy!

He likes my hat

Play doh eye patch

Apparently Quinn likes peas.

Today Quinn had a follow-up eye appointment.  When I told him he had a doctors appointment he said "Oh... but I'm all better now mommy!"
His eyes are doing fine, his right eye that wonders up is "normal" and both eyes are tracking fine... We go back in another 4-6 months continually for check ups.
At Burgerville after his eye appointment

All in all the boys are doing well...  I've been letting them stay up a little later so we can snuggle on the couch since we all need that time together.  This weekend we get to go to the beach with Nana - I'm very excited to spend my weekend with them :)  

Lots of love,

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