Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Yay for a weekend with the boys!

After sooo many weekends of not getting to wake up with my little men, I finally got a weekend :)  My heart has been breaking not getting to wake up with them like I used to do all the time.  I just wanted to hug and kiss them all weekend!
Last week we went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner one night.  We got to sit in the caboose which was pretty cool.  Their food is really lack-luster though.  I had a salad, but Quinn always force-feeds me what he's eating for a few bites, probably to show me how gross the food I'm giving him is...
We were in Target one night and Ronin saw a picture of a dog on a dogfood bag and said "LOOK! It's an abomination!"  I looked at the bag, it was a dalmation - I asked if that's what he meant, he said yes, but I kept laughing at his abomination comment.
Friday night we rented a movie, cuddled on the couch and did some silly poses for the camera.

Saturday the boys wanted to go to Nana and Papa's or the beach... I talked them into Lewisville Park instead.  We had a picnic under the tree's, played in the playground, accidentally interrupted a wedding - on our way to the bathroom... and we did the little hiking trail thing looking for bugs and critters.  We found a broken snail shell- which Quinn tried to eat, and a chipmunk, which he didn't try to eat. 

The snail shell before he put it in his mouth - yuck!

Sunday we went to IKEA to look at the cost of beds for Quinn and look at shower curtains to redo the boys' bathroom.  The boys were mostly good, but I was pushing it at nap time for Quinn- he kept wanting to go down the "alligator", which I finally figured out meant "escalator"... and then he wailed a little while I was paying... and then when we got home he talked to himself for 45 minutes instead of napping.  But he's been using the potty more now!!  I think he's sooo close to getting potty trained, but sometimes he'd just rather not get up to try.   So at IKEA we got a new shower curtain, bath rug and a scrub brush, and we had lunch. Yay!  I'm still undecided whether to get bunk beds or just a toddler size bed for Quinn for a while...  the IKEA beds are pretty inexpensive but then I'd have to get mattresses too...
Sunday Quinn had a runny nose...
I meant to post this last time I blogged, it's pretty cute.
The cutest

So the next weekend we have will be March 21st and we are going to try to go to Long Beach with Nana for the weekend.  The boys are excited to go to the beach :)  I just need to find a place to stay.

It was a nice weekend and I love them sooo much.  Ronin's birthday is on Friday!  his birthday party is on Thursday, he's pretty excited!  I just hope all 8 kids don't show up. ha ha!

Lots of love,

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