Monday, February 10, 2014

Snow Days in February!

It's been a few weeks since I posted, but the boys have been busy and we have done a few things with our time.  We got to visit Nana and Papa on MLK Jr. day...

Pajama boy at Nana and Papa's

Listening to his Nintendo DS at Nana and Papa's
We went out to Shari's one night after Ronin's counseling appointment.  His counseling has been going well, she said he is a normal 5 year old boy.  I kind of figured as much, and am glad to hear it :)
Ronin took a "selfie" at Shari's

Silly boys

More sillyness
Ronin took one of me

Quinn after getting his blanket out of the dryer he said "it's so warm!"

Axl sleeping on my bed.
We went to the library last week for some "story time" and to play in the kids area.
Singing and dancing during story time.

Craft time at the library 
On Friday the 8th we woke up to lots of snow!  School was canceled so I took the day off to spend with the boys.  We woke up and had french toast smothered in whipped cream.  I tried to keep them in as much as possible since everyone has a cold, but we got out for a little while.  :)

Posing with mommy

I think I was tickling him and he went to tickle me, this picture made me laugh though.

And Ronin chilling in the Papasan on a snow day

We watched "The Croods"... they were in their respective bean bag chairs.

Quinn got his pad and pencil out to sit in his "thinking chair"

Quinn and I played for a while while Ronin was being lazy staying inside until I got my snowboard out, since all of their sleds are missing, and he decided to come out and play too ;)  I tied the snowboard to my waist to pull them around the yard, which didn't last long because after a few minutes Quinn started doing the splits and got snow in his glove and wanted to go back inside.

Ronin is celebrating Valentines day at school on Thursday so we're slowly making out the Valentines for his 21 classmates.  He did 6 last night.  He's getting pretty good at his penmanship :)  I just loved the eyeball suckers.  We get to contribute a "snack" on Thursday too...
Ronin's birthday is coming!  Since I don't know if I'll get to celebrate on a weekend yet, I made it for Thursday the 27th after school.  He's very excited and we're going to find things to fill his pinata this week :)
Other than never ending colds, the boys are happy and healthy.  They are full of hugs and snuggles for me :)  Ronin has gotten more snuggly than he used to be.  Quinn has gotten quite empathetic, if he hears me drop something he yells "are you okay mommy?!" I feel pretty blessed with my two little men.  :)  I am looking forward to summer to start taking some day trips with them.  We have Monday off for Presidents day, I'm trying to think of something fun to do with them...
Funny picture of Robert and me from a couple weekends ago :)
Lots of love,

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