Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Quinny the clown boy...

This last week Quinn has been pretty full of himself.  He likes to make loud noises while staring at his big brother to see when big brother will break and yell at him to stop.  and then he laughs. maniacally.
Quinn taking his rightful place on my quilt eating pringles, like a boss.

This look is a bit mischevious...

Dancing with my bubble wrap that came in a package.
 We went to the library on Tuesday so that the boys could get out of the house and borrow a few books and movies.  Ronin borrowed a ton of Scooby Doo movies, Quinny some Blues Clues books. We even stayed for story time in the reading room, where they got to do a little dancing...

The boys at the library

bloody lip
Quinn decided to bite his lip open on Tuesday as well.  It bled a lot, but once I cleaned it up it didn't look too serious, I tried putting a cold cloth on it, but he wouldn't let me and it didn't seem to bother him.  Poor guy.

Thursday was our Nutcracker night!  Ronin was pretty excited to go see a live production of the Nutcracker, Quinn was content making Rachel chase him and play hide-and-go-seek where he would just lay on the floor and say he was hiding...  Ronin enjoyed the first half of the Nutcracker, but after intermission he passed out in the chair because there was a lot of dancing going on.  He was a trooper and sat very patiently through the entire thing.

Me, Cheyla, Tammie and the boys

Me and Quinn before the play

Ronin and I at the Nutcracker

Ronin checking out where the orchestra should have been...

Us again

It's almost Christmas - so everyone at work is giving chocolate and starbucks gift cards, I got both. yay!

Rory picked up the boys at 4 on Friday and I haven't seen them since... I'll be so happy to pick them up tomorrow at 11!  I miss them so much, this is the most time I've spent away from them, it's really tough not seeing them for so long... I am taking the rest of the week and the following week off to catch up on missing my time with them. 

Quinny drew a picture for me and Kiera.
Last weekend I got the new bunny, the very alive one.  It's much bigger than the fuzzy little baby bunny, so I'll have to work on getting it into a bigger cage/hutch later.  It is super messy!  I can't wait for the boys to see it and name it :)  Kiera mostly wants to eat it :(
Bunny loves carrots - go figure.
Take care,

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