Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year 2014 and Stuff

The boys came home Christmas day to a new bunny Santa left!  Ronin named it "Finn", Quinny named it "Kitty"... but by the end of the day Ronin re-named it "Fuzzy Butt" and I named it "Jon Snow"...  so I suppose he is a rabbit with many names, but mostly we call him "Bunny".
Bunny and the boys

fuzzy bunny
The boys and I had a nice Christmas day.  We made ham for dinner and got to play with toys all day. Ronin got a Nintendo DS for Christmas, and I was happy to see that he colored and painted things instead of diving into video games.  Quinn got some messy paint supplies from Santa, it was all he wanted to do.

Santa brought Quinn paints, paint brushes, and paper


Quinn trying to snuggle with the bunny

New pajamas for Christmas

Ronin and the bunny

Coloring together

Quinn found the rabbit ears and thought they were fun to wear
My boys and me :)
I took last week off to spend with the boys while Ronin is out of school.  On Monday we went to Chuck E. Cheese to meet up with Shelley and Sean for a playdate. 

Quinn on a unicorn

Quinn sitting with Chuck

Ronin sitting with Chuck

Quinn in the virtual roller coaster machine
Brothers :)

He really liked the racing horse ride

Chuck E. Cheese surprised Quinn

Best buddies

Quinn being silly

The rest of the week we did a little shopping, playing with new toys, bought Despicable Me 2 and watched it already about 4 times... It's pretty cute.  Nana and Papa and Aunt Tammie came over on Wednesday to visit for a while.  The boys got Christmas #3 that day.    

New hat!

Another hat!

Ronin's new train set he gets to paint
Thursday we went to the new library in downtown Vancouver, the whole 3rd floor is for kids, they can even be noisy, now they want to go every week.

Quinn was chatting up a little girl
While at the library Quinn found me and said "I'm hungry!" so I told him to find Ronin and let him know we are leaving.  So he went around screaming "Let's go, I want to eat, Ronin!"  We decided on fish so I took them to Skippers, which they ate a lot of.  Guess they like salty fish.

Last weekend I got in some of my community service volunteer time for work by chipping christmas tree's with my coworkers...  it was a long day of dragging trees to the chippers.  But it smelled really good!
My friend Lisa and me

Lisa behind a stack of tree's with Robert giving her bunny ears

The rest of the weekend was spent being lazy... watching movies and t.v...

This week the boys want to go back to the library and we invited cousing Greg over for dinner one night.  Should be fun :)

Lots of love,

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