Monday, December 9, 2013

December Begins...

Thanksgiving came and we went to Shari's for dinner because the Chinese food places weren't open.  Good thing I didn't have to fix dinner since Shari's took us in and we ate well there :)
One of my Shari's dates, with a straw up his nose...

Going through my purse he put my glasses on, how cute is he?!

Again, with my glasses!
After Thanksgiving we got to go to Nana and Papa's house for a few days.  The boys had fun playing with the dogs and running through the house.

Silly boy

We got to make some clay crafts

Drinking their juice boxes

Tina loves Ronin

The usual suspects

Quinn loves this doll...

Painting his crafts

He seems to be pretty happy eating a Twinkie

Our temporary court date came and went, it was decided that Rory get the boys each weekend.  So I have to make the most of my weeknights, which is rough since both them and I are pretty tired by the end of the day, but I'll make it work!  We went and saw Santa Thursday night and then drove through the P.I.R. to see Christmas lights. 

Quinn didn't want to sit on his lap, but was ok sitting next to him.

Quinn was almost smiling here...
I took last Friday off since I'm still suffering from the plague... We got to eat breakfast together, drop Ronin off at school, and Quinn and I got to chill and he painted some too.  Mostly he ate the paint.
Green teeth.
I'm not going to lie and say everything is fine.  I miss my boys madly on the weekend.  It makes me think a lot about life, and how expecting it to be fair is like giving up any control I have in my life.  So the only thing I can control at this point is how I spend my time with the boys.  If I let all the negative stuff get to me then it's only going to take me away from my time with the boys.  The positive is that I get to see the boys every single day except for Saturday.  I am lucky in that respect.  We'll see how things pan out later. 

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