Monday, December 16, 2013

Glitter everywhere!

The last week the orignal bunny I had bought for the kids just up and died.  Not sure why, but he decided he didn't want to live on this planet anymore and checked out.  Sad, but I'm very happy I didn't bring him home to the kids yet!   I'm going to pick up a different bunny this weekend, a 6 month old so hopefully it's not as fragile... plus we can feed it fruit and veggies since it's older, which will be fun for the kids. 

Driving through some of the nieghborhoods, there is always this one house that goes all-out like the Griswolds, the kids love it:

Pretty crazy...
This last week we kept things pretty easy going, doing homework, reading books, and the occasonal glitter craft... which ended up everywhere... and I'm still finding it in places I didn't intend for it to show up.  Like my face.  The toilet.  The cat.  I got most of it out of the grout in the breakfast bar, but it has issues with letting go...
Quinn put it in his hair :/
That pile ended up on the floor...
The one really positive thing for the boys during this divorce stuff is that they've found a lot of strength and companionship in each other lately.  Ronin often has quinn sit on his lap and just hugs him.  It makes my heart melt.  I am sad that this is the push it took to make them close, but glad they have each other.  They need a constant, and they have it in each other.
Silly boys cuddling
Ronin got "Love A Lot Bear" again for being respectful and helpful to others at school.  Which is good since he got in trouble on Friday for throwing mud with 3 other boys.  The principal had all the moms come and pick up the naughty boys.  I couldn't get too mad at him since I think it's a typical 5 year old thing, but I did the mom thing "don't follow other people - if they jumped off a bridge would you? don't do it again!"  It's not a new thing, and I'm sure it will happen again.  But getting Love-A-Lot Bear means he was at least trying to get noticed for his positive actions.
Love-a-Lot Bear

We had to write something in the Love-a-Lot Bear journal, and he drew a picture.
We finally got our tree, it's tiny! Ronin picked it out, here it is on my car. haha

Friday before Daddy picked up the boys, I wanted a picture with them :)  Ronin being a ham.

Quinny looks a bit like the incredible hulk... I told him to smile... this is what I got. 
My weekend was a really good one, not as up and down emotionally as the previous one.  I got to have dinner with Greg and Robert on Friday, which was delicious and great company :)  Saturday Robert and I went to a 125 Club Christmas party for work, it was a nice time- I got to see some coworkers outside of work and meet their wives.  Sunday I had a ladies Christmas gift exchange.  I got a ton of hand soap for the bathrooms out of it, which I need, because the boys are stinky. :)  Sunday night I cleaned the garage and the pantry out... It felt good to de-clutter a bit... and now I'm looking forward to doing more of that.
I love my boys and can't wait for Christmas break!  I am taking the days after Christmas off until the new year school break is over to spend with them.  Not sure what we'll do, but at least we'll get loads of time together, and we'll have a new bunny to pet!  :)
Take care,



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