Monday, August 5, 2013

Family pictures and Fair time!

Family Pictures!  I finally caved and bought a "groupon" online coupon for JC Penny's portrait studio.  We weren't in the studio for more than 10 minutes and I'm really suprised that the photographer was able to get such good smiles on the boys!  We are pretty happy with them and get our prints and the CD on Thursday.  These "proofs" are super small... but you can see how they look at least :)

Ronin kind of hates the shirt I made him wear for pictures... yup, the one with buttons.  After I MADE him put it on, he looked at me with a sad face and said he wished he was bitten by a python now so he could die quickly.   haha!  Drama queen!  I think he looks nice!  The first thing he did was take it off when we got home...

That evening we went to the Clark County Fair with the boys and Grandma/pa Jones.  We got to watch the "Dock Dogs" jump for distance into a pool of water, we ate, visited the vendors, and then finally went on rides and played games.  We didn't get home until 9:30, and Quinny was pretty out of it at the end, but he'd cry when a ride was over because he wanted to keep riding.

I had a turkey leg, which is about the only fair food I could eat that is "Paleo" there...
Riding Dolly the pony

Quinny on Trigger the pony


Petting zoo with the goats

Quinn liked the rabbits...
I picked up the fuzzy white one so he could pet it... probably not supposed to do that.
Funny sheep - they scared Quinny.
Roller coaster by himself!
Quinn found a buddy to ride with him.
Brothers riding together
Quinn is soooo tired...

Carousel, he got to ride a cat.

Ronin on a zebra

Sunday afternoon we decided to go play in the sand at the beach on the river.  Everyone went swimming, it wasn't as cold as it has been, Quinn thought it was pretty cold though.  He'd only go in to his butt. 

While Quinn was napping on Sunday, Ronin and I made a Scooby Doo cake - to practice for his birthday.  I ordered the cake pan on ebay last week it was at the door on Saturday :)  It turned out okay, but it was much harder than it looked to get it to look like Scooby!

Our Scooby cake

One evening Rory locked himself out of the house and had to wait for me to get home, and while he was sitting in the swing outside, Axl climbed the tree to look at him.  Funny picture :)

Summers moving fast, it's almost time for Ronin to start school!   We are taking the 19-23rd of August off to get some painting done on the house and to go camping with the boys.  I think we'll go camping this next weekend and the following weekend do some school clothes shopping for Ronin... and then bam- it'll be September!  Crazyness...  It's been a good summer so far though! :)

Lots of love,

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