Thursday, August 29, 2013

Camping trip and the "Poopy Baby"

Last day of Pre-school, camping/road trip... fun stuff!  Ronin's last day of preschool was the 15th!  He's super excited to start his new school and be a kindergartener :)  I'm excited for him!  Nana came up for a visit and was able to help us do a little school clothes shopping, even with Quinny screaming in the shopping cart.  :( 
While Nana was visiting we watched the Avengers movie with her.  I asked Ronin "who's the guy with the bow and arrow?" and he answered "Hot Guy".  I laughed and asked him, "Hot Guy?".  "Yes, his name is Hot Guy."  We thought maybe Cheyla had a thing for him and just started calling him Hot Guy and Ronin thought that was his name...  After a while I looked it up on my phone, and found out his name is actually "Hawkeye".  I tried telling Ronin this, but he still insists that his name is "Hot Guy".  ;) 
Ronin drew this of him and his friend Avi, she's a couple years older - that would explain why she's much taller in this picture ;)  It was nice to see a picture that was happy instead of zombies and monsters!

In Pre-School

His Pre-school teacher, Miss Lori, and some of his friends

Ronin snuggling in Quinn's bed, Quinn thinks it's the funnest thing!

Axl made himself at home in the stroller
After Nana's visit over the weekend we took off Tuesday morning to go camping up north at a place called Ike Kinswa campground.  There was a lake to swim in, a river to fish and little places to hike/ride bikes.  It was very clean and a great campground to stay at.  The next day we left early to drive by Mt. Raineer to our next campspot - Little Naches River.  Lots of hiking and fishing there, but also a lot of yellow jackets :(  Nobody was stung, thank goodness.  But they made cooking nearly impossible.  Because of them we went to a restaurant for dinner that night.  During our quiet restaurant experience, Quinny thought it would be funny to tell the bus boy "HI Poopy Baby!".  When he saw the people around him laughing, he decided it would be okay to say "poopy baby" over and over and over again...   I was crying from laughing so hard, but dying because it was so embarassing at the same time.  Every time I'd cover his mouth with my hand, I'd go to uncover his mouth and the next word would come out...
Playing in the water
After swimming
He loved this tree :)
Ronin took his caterpillar camping
Enjoying our first campsite :) 
A little hike to stretch our legs


Mt. Raineer... taken from the car.

He loved riding on these stumps.

Happy Campers :)
Our first long hike we drove the Jeep up some forest roads and had to hike up a small mountain (hill?).  Quinny did awesome and walked most of it by himself.  We had to carry him at the point where there was a drop off to one side though.  Rory was looking for thunder eggs... and we didn't find any this time. But it was a nice little forest hike.

Such a good hiker!

We found a little creek on our way back out.

Ronin got a frog and kept it for the night.

Who doesn't want to go into a bat cave?!

So, apparently if you go in any of the other caves you have to do it naked.

He thought this was pretty cool.

Squirmy baby

This, Quinny's second hike, wasn't as much fun for him. His little legs were too tired to walk it by himself, so we had to carry him - a lot. We were trying to get to the cave, and what I thought was 1/4 of a mile... was really 3/4 of a mile and when we saw the cave from up on a hill, we decided not to go all the way down since we'd have to carry Quinn all the way back UP again.

So, there's the cave- way down there.

He didn't want me holding him, he wanted down...
And "down" was where there was a steep drop off on either side if he got off the platform... :( 
Car riding baby

Successfully watching the Kindle off-line...
Much to our chagrin... Ronin bought a whole season of Scooby-Doo and rented two movies without our knowledge before we left on the camping trip.  In his defense, he can't read and didn't know he was buying anything...  I have now learned to put the parentrol control locks on our Kindle Fire...  So about $40 later -- I was able to download his new shows onto the Kindle so he could watch them in the car without being connected to the internet... he loved this immensely ;)
Our last night we spent with Nana and Papa in Goldendale.  Lots of food for everyone to fill up on and a hot shower/bath for everybody, and the kids got to entertain the dogs and Nana and Papa.  This made for a nice end to our trip :) 

Quinny and Papa

The boys exercising at Nana and Papa's

Funny boys
On our way home, Quinn looked angy holding his apple.
These grew while we were away!
I love these guys!
That's not all we came home to... Kiera is a little Neurotic... and tore up our wall/door frame while we were gone... bad dog! We would have taken her if we had more room in the Jeep, but with 4 people and bags for everyone + food and gear, it wasn't going to happen... At least we were missed.
Look what Kiera did to our garage door :(
This week we started (finally!) painting the front of the house.  Of course today it's raining... but at least we got a start on it!  :)

Ronin has a "meet the teacher" event tonight at his new school.  He starts Kindergarten on Wednesday of next week!  Fun things!

Lots of love,

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