Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Rumor Has It

This last weekend our camping trip got rained out.  But that was probably for the better since everyone was being lazy anyway.  On Friday night Rory, me and two of my girlfriends got free tickets to the fair and a concert.  The band was called the Avett Brothers, they were really good live and even though they are a blue-grass band I really enjoyed them :)
I got the tickets through some kind of promotion they offered everyone at my work, so here's me picking up my 4 plus two other co-workers tickets, I thought I looked pretty gangsta... only instead of money I have a bunch of tickets... ha ha

Brandee, me and Byrekka at the fair before the concert
So there was this at the fair... 
everything on the menu is deep fried...
even fruity pebbles?! 
Weird... I had to take a picture of it ;)
My phone doesn't take good night shots, but I thought this was kind of neat.
We were pretty laid back all weekend just watching some movies and playing with the boys. We went for a bike ride one day to go play at Ronin's new school.  Quinn was able to swing by himself - holding onto the chains, I was pretty impressed!


Quinny is in love with the song "Rumor Has it" by Adelle... if you don't know the song, here is a link to it... Rumor Has It by Adelle  So all weekend Quinn would just yell or sing "RUMOR HAS IT!" and wait for us to fire it up on the laptop and repeat just that one song.  He'd dance and sing the chorus, it was so funny!  Everytime I tried to record him doing it he'd get distracted and stop though.
Quinny singing his ABC's
Quinny with his ABC's again and saying "Rumor Has It"
Ronin made me this apron out of tissue paper, aw isn't he so sweet?
We got our CD with the family pictures on it, here are some "extras" they did with the picture, changing it to black and white and making collages... I just have to send them to Costco to print now!

We are going on a road trip soon for our vacation!  We aren't sure where we are going yet, but we are hoping to go North and do a little exploring and camping with the boys since it's cheap and we have fun doing those sorts of things :)  

Time fly's!


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