Monday, April 29, 2013

House full of sickies!

 Whew!  3 weeks worth of blogging to do!  This site wasn't allowing me to upload photo's for a while, and now it looks like they fixed it!  So here it goes!

Our house has been in a constant state of infection lately!  I had a sinus infection so bad that I went to urgent care to get antibiotics and asked for a pain reliever for the headaches and pressure.  They gave me Tylenol 3, which has codeine in it... and apparently I'm allergic to codeine!  I kept taking it every 4 hours because my headaches were getting worse so I thought it wasn't working-- dummy me, I was only making it worse until I ended up vomiting every 15 minutes for over 12 hours...  Rory took me into urgent care and they hooked me up to an I.V. to get me rehydrated and gave me anti-nausea medication along with different pain medication...  So glad I went in- they could have put the I.V. in my eyeballs for all I cared at that point.  When I left I was tired but pain-free!

Isn't it pretty??
I wanted to take Quinn in to the doctor that week but it seems my sinus infection took precedent over his this time... but I did get him in a few days later and, surprise! he had a sinus infection too!  Poor guy, I felt so bad for not getting him in sooner...  but now he's on the mend and his runny nose and cough has stopped and he's happy boy 90% of the time again :)
Of course we worked on some projects over these last few weekends.  Rory put the porch and slide on the boys' fort - it's pretty awesome and Quinn hates coming back in the house when it gets dark/cold/rainy outside now.  He could spend all day in the fort or swinging :)

Helping daddy measure
The finished thing!
Quinny likes to sweep
Last Monday I took Ronin to the fairgrounds to help me plant flowers for the Home and Garden Idea fair my work puts on.  I get credit for it, and he got to help and play with a friend.  At one point he was throwing rocks at his "friend" and I asked if he was throwing rocks and he said "no mommy, I was playing rock-tag!"  Smarty pants...
Ronin hanging out at my desk before we went to the fairgrounds
The boys enjoying the nice weather

We went to the beach a couple of weekends ago just for a little escape and so we could eat clam chowder and play in the sand :)

The same weekend we did some crafts, Ronin made a bug cage (go-figure) and Quinn painted his own bird house to hang on the fort opposite his big brothers.

I wish I had some more after pictures because he tried eating the paint quite a few times...
And this last weekend Ronin has been sick with a "virus" since Thursday evening.  His fever got as high as 104!!  We called the advice nurse a couple of times, and finally took him in on Saturday but they say it's just a virus and to keep giving him ibuproferin every 6 hours...  Today is about day 5 of having the fever... it was 99.7 this morning... it hasn't been getting as high as 104 but this seems pretty ridiculous to have a fever this many days.  He feels fine once we get his temperature down around 100, he plays and eats and drinks fine... so it's not affecting him too terribly yet.  But he'll probably need to see a doctor again if it doesn't go away today.
This last weekend Rory built a front porch for our front area!  I helped him shovel up all those stupid rocks that were there and moved them to the backyard.  Here's Quinn and Rory hanging out on the new front porch :)
Almost done!
So mostly we had a few busy weeks with sicknesses and projects... it looks like summer is nearly here though so we'll replace these things with sunscreen and water fun!
Hope everyone else is avoiding the sickies!
Lots of love,

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