Monday, April 8, 2013

Butterflies & Homeless Dreams

Last week Ronin's butterflies finally hatched and he was in a hurry to let them free so they could live their 2 week lifespan out in the wild.  So we did, and Rory are I joke to each other that a crow probably ate them soon after... but to Ronin they are living free and flying high in the sky. 

Taking them to the backyard to fly

They even got on his hand for a while

Last week Quinny had a bad tummy ache where he had a little fever and runny diapers.  He screamed bloody murder Monday night for about 40 minutes not letting me pick him up or give him anything... I thought maybe it was his teeth or a tummy issue so I gave him tylenol and eventually he wore himself out and went to sleep.  The next morning he did the same thing - throwing himself on the floor, screaming and not letting me hold him to comfort him.  I called Kaiser to make an appointment and they made me talk to an advice nurse.  She could hear Quinn in the background screaming and after asking me a few more questions she told me to take him to the emergency room, preferably Doernbechers Childrens Hospital, or call 911!  Scared as hell we got everyone in the car, dropped Ronin off at school so he didn't have to go too.  Well after a little doctor visit we found out it was nothing, probably just a tummy ache.  I know the advice nurse was just doing her job and being proactive, but she scared the crap out of me when she suggested we call 911!   Quinn had a great time touring the hospital in a huge wagon and flirting with the nurses; plus he got to play hookie from daycare and be with us - so that was a good day for him!

Quinny enjoying his ride

Not feeling well :(

Ronin had "zoo day" last week and they painted their faces, he's a wolf.

Quinny was being quiet in his room, so I went to check on him and he was sitting in his chair reading a book :)

This last weekend Ronin took over the back room and pretended to be homeless.  So instead of pretending to be a superhero, an astronaught, a cowboy, or a fireman - he decided it would be fun to be a homeless boy.  I even made him a sign.

Homeless boy Ronin

Last week I received a call from Ronin's pre-school telling me there had been an "incident".  I immediately thought that maybe Ronin pushed a kid or back talked a teacher... but instead I found out that he was the victim of a pantsing.  While he was hanging on the monkey bars at school another boy came and pantsed him.  Nobody really saw except the teacher and another student.  The director of the daycare had to notify me after she had a talk with both students and the other students parent.  It was really hard NOT to giggle as she was taking it so seriously... I suppose other children might be mortified but I was more worried that he'd think it was funny and try to do it to other children!

Daddy's birthday was last weekend and after mommy baked a cake, cleaned toilets and mopped floors we found out that his parents and brother are all sick so they weren't coming over to celebrate.  I think Rory was excited that he got to keep the cake all to himself though...  :)

Take Care and Lots of Love,

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