Monday, May 13, 2013

Sturgeon, Surgery & Road Trip!

A couple weeks went by and lots to share!  Fishing, road trip to Redmond, and Quinny's surgery...
I thought this was a funny picture - I wish he had a "No Girls Allowed" sign by him, it kind of looks like he's denying my admittance.
The upload video option isn't working, but here's a link to Quinny saying and playing the piano:
Saturday before we left on our road trip Ronin and Daddy went fishing with Uncle Scott. Ronin caught the first fish and the most fish that day.  He was very proud of himself and was such a good sport about getting up super early and not complaining while they were on the boat all morning.  :)


For our road trip we went to Redmond, Oregon where we stayed at a hotel one of our friends manages, so we got a good deal and got free breakfast and a swimming pool to play in :)  We went to Bend a couple of times to walk around and eat.  The boys really liked the pizza place that had a huge jungle gym inside of it.  Quinny has discovered independence!  Instead of being strollered or carried he wants to walk everywhere, and he even likes holding hands.  For a while he asked his brother for his hand so he could walk with him, it was so cute :)

Us on a bridge in Bend

Getting ready for the pool!


Ready to swim!
This one is pretty funny- Quinny was trying to get away!
The day we got back, Cheyla came to spend the night.

Cheyla's "Cat" ears that wiggle - Ronin looks scared.
The morning of May 8th we got up early and had to be at South Interstate Kaiser hospital at 6:30 a.m. for Quinn's eye surgery.  Cheyla stayed at home with Ronin so he wouldn't have to come with us that day.  Quinny did amazing for not having eaten since 7pm the night before, he was getting a little agitated that we weren't leaving the hospital room after a while though and kept trying to leave.  They gave him a sedative mixed with Tylenol about 30 minutes before his surgery so it would make him relaxed and groggy.  Apparently it tasted disgusting because he kind of made a gagging noise and then tried to lick me to get the taste off his tongue.  Once he was laying down and feeling kind of silly they wheeled him away- I heard him say "momma?" just once as they wheeled him off...

In the waiting room before surgery.

His pretty hospital pajamas.
After about 90 minutes they called for us to come into the recover room with Quinn.    They told us that he had vomitted as they were putting him to sleep and he got some fluid in his lungs, they think he got it out but it put him at a high-risk for pnemonia. 
When we got to him he was crying and arching his back in the nurses arms. They warned us he might be really angry/inconsulable as he came out of the anesthesia - and he was, but he calmed down a bit when I held and rocked him.  He really didn't want the I.V. taped to his arm so I had to hold his other arm away so he didn't rip it out.  Poor guy.  He said "ouchie" a couple of times so we were able to get some more pain meds in his I.V. before we left.  They kept us in recovery for 90 minutes to make sure everything was okay.  When we got home he slept for a couple of hours and woke up with a fever, so I had to take him into the clinic to get a chest X-ray to make sure he didn't have pnemonia.  It came out clear so it was just a fluke.

Sleepy guy on the way home from his surgery.
The next day he was a little sleepier than usual, but mostly in a good mood.  He woke up a lot during the night crying for "momma" so I was up and down all night trying to make him feel better.  He's become super-clingy (I had no idea he could be MORE clingy than he already was!) since the surgery and if I go around the corner in the house he'll notice and come running after me.  :(  Poor guy!

This is the day after his surgery- beleive it or not his eyes are way less red than the were the previous day.
After surgery came mothers day!  At school Ronin made me lip balm, a cranberry/orange muffin, and a book with pictures and a paper replica of himself with a paper bed and blanket so I could tuck him in at night.  haha!  It's so cute!  When he got home he decided to make me a garden gnome, which ended up being Yoda.  It was all his idea and he even glued it to cardboard to keep it from folding and taped a pencil to it so I could stick it in a flower pot.  He's so creative!
My garden gnome - turned Yoda plant decoration :)
So Saturday we went to Bi-Mart to get vegetables for our garden since our seeds half died in the greenhouse while we were on vacation.  We got speghetti squash, blue berries, strawberries, zucchini, cucumber, lettuce, cauliflower, chocolate mint (mmm! it smells so good!), basil, and two tomato plants.  I can't wait to get them all in the ground!  That was all part of my mothers day gift.  The next day I really wanted to go to IKEA so we went and I found a bunch of cool organizing things for the kitchen and kids rooms.  After that we went to Sweet Tomatoes for my mothers day lunch.  It was a fun mothers day.  :)

The kids got this from IKEA- Quinn doesn't like Ronin playing with it though. haha
Video of Quinny saying "Precious":

Ronin got a new chair from Grandma & Grandpa since Quinn always takes the red rocker...  well now Quinn wants to sit in the new chair with big brother.  funny boy!
Quinn likes to say "sad" while smiling when I ask him if he's "Happy or sad?".  What a goof.  Ronin likes to tell me what is "caveman approved" when I'm eating because we are trying to eat more "paleo" lately -- cutting breads/pasta/sugar/dairy and he had caught on to what it means and sometimes he'll comment and say "this is TOTALLY caveman approved!" or "hey, I don't think ketchup is caveman approved!"  haha  My own little coach!
Quinn's post-op appointment is tomorrow at 11:45, so hopefully everything is healing well and he'll be fully healed in a few weeks. Poor guy! At least he won't remember any of this. :)
Lot's of love,


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