Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter weekend & zombie's

Last week I brought home some of Ronin's school work.  He's been working on writing words and drawing pictures.  I guess they asked everyone to draw a picture of a person -- and our son drew a picture of a zombie - complete with a hole in the mouth so he can eat brains.   ha ha!  I think they asked him to make another drawing of something that wasn't a zombie...   but I kind of adore his zombie:


Here's a picture of a non-zombie (although there is another zombie on the backside of the picture) and some of his words he wrote all by himself :)

They are learning about bee's in school right now.  He came home telling us there's a bee called a "zombie bee" and it's a mix of an African killer bee and another kind of bee - I'm not sure if this is true or if his fascination with zombie's has gone to another level and he's creating new creatures in his imagination... haha   I hope he's not freaking other kids out talking about zombies - I didn't realize my love of zombie movies would translate into him being fascinated by them too...

Easter weekend was fun.  On Saturday the boys woke up to a big pile of Easter presents, including their own bucket with sand castle toys in each for the boys. 

Ronin colored and glittered some eggs for Easter

Quinn with his sand castle bucket

Still waking up

The weather was so nice this weekend!  On Saturday we also got to go to a free Easter egg hunt at Esther Short Park.  Quinn went first and got maybe 4 or 5 eggs, he mostly wanted to explore the big tree.

Ready to go Mom! 

On our way to the park

Quinny getting eggs

The tree

More playing mom!

Ronin went next and got quite a bit of eggs - but it was a bit like the Hunger Games arena - he had to make a run for it and hope the other kids didn't push him down while he was getting his goodies!

Ronin at the Easter egg hunt

Mommy and the boys

Daddy and the boys

After the hunt - eating his candy

On Sunday we had our own Easter egg hunt in the back yard.  Quinn did a little better at gathering eggs, but he wanted to open them as he got them and eat the candy right away... so I had to hold his bucket until we were done.  When I was telling him he needed to put shoes on to go outside, I grabbed his shoes and he ran over to me with the boots and said "BOOTS!" so apparently he really wanted to wear the frog boots that day...

Finding eggs..


Quinn wasn't sure what to do with a Peep when he opened the eggs that had them in it...  You can see from the pictures he wanted to keep the egg and put the peep back where it came from, and then he changed his mind and decided to eat the peep.  He seemed to like them and it took him about an hour to eat most of it before I threw it away from being so dirty.

He found an egg!

Opening the egg...

Putting the peep back...

Wait, these are kind of yummy!

Ronin's been doing well in school, learning lots and practicing writing and some spanish and lots of fun activities to keep him busy.   Quinn is getting a little better at letting me leave, but my favorite part of all of this is when I come to pick him up and he drops whatever he's doing when he sees me and says "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" and runs into my arms :)  I love that feeling!

I've been working on "what sound does a ___ make?" with Quinn and he has the Cow and Mooing down pat.  I'm working on kitty, monkey, and dog but he pretty much says MOO for all of them now.

Quinn saying MOO in the car.

He also knows the "5 little monkeys" song and when we sing "One fell off and bumped his head" he starts hitting his head and sometimes I can get him to shake his finger and say "No more monkeys jumping on the bed" but mostly he says "No momomooooom med" which is close enough.

Ronin starts swim lessons again next week - he's doing great at swimming but we thought he should get some lessons with side breathing and arm strokes.  He can dive to the bottom to get a key with no problems now and can swim from the side of the pool to the side really well, I think swimming might just be his sport!

Everyone seems well and happy!  Daddy's birthday is this weekend.  We are having the Jones grandparents and Brad and Brooke over on Sunday to celebrate.  :)

Lots of love,

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