Monday, March 25, 2013

Daycare and Post-poned Surgery

The boys had their first week of daycare last week!   Ronin loves it and over the weekend he asked if he could go to school, we had to explain that we don't go to school on the weekends.   Quinny on the other hand kind of hates it.  The first day he had no trouble but the second day was the toughest and then he got a nasty cold on Thursday so I picked him up early and he got a fever on Friday so I picked him up again early that day...  Poor guy has been sick all weekend.  He was doing better this morning but now he has a cough.  I emailed his eye doctor/surgeon and she would like to postpone surgery until he's feeling better and hasn't had a fever for a while.  So April 24th is our next surgery date!  I hope we can keep him germ-free around then so we can get it done!

Ronin's caterpillars are really taking off-- they are now in their little cocoons waiting to turn into butterfly's.  He's so excited about this amazing metamorphasis, and I'm utterly grossed out. haha  I thought they would be cute fuzzy little creatures, but they are vile looking worm things... and their cocoons look like something out of a horror movie...   I really hope that butterflies emerge and not some evil parasite from another planet who's only mission is to take over humans by crawling into the brains while they sleep...    But I'm sure they are just butterflies...  haha

They went from this...

To these fat gross things....

And now they look like this...  they are just waiting there...

So anyway...  not much else has happened in the last two weekends.  We worked a little more on the back yard...  bought and watched the Hobbit - which was really good!  Rented Rise of the Guardians, Ronin and I really liked that movie... I might have to buy it :)

Quinn must have pushed some Cheeto's behind the couch one day, because I found them, nicely preserved in my tuperware so they weren't stale.  He kept asking for them so I just put them on the floor for him to eat --  he was pretty happy then.

The "X" on the floor behind him is NOT, in fact, from the movie Poltergeist where we can slide from one end of the kitchen to the other with the help of supernatural spirits, it's actually Ronin's time-out spot.  Less exciting than the poltergeist idea though.

I don't have any pictures of Ronin this time around... just of his vile little creatures he's been harboring...  I hope they hatch soon so I can let them go. yuck, yuck, yuck.

Yesterday we are talking about something and Ronin said he's glad he knows what a "heart attack" is now because he used to think it was when two people loved each other and then attacked and killed each other.  haha!   He's also super excited about Easter for some reason... he knows I bought them gifts for Easter so he started searching through the house for them, luckily they were in my car so I just brought them to work to keep until Friday.   He's been picking up on some other language, not by us, but maybe television when daddy's watching his gold rush shows, but the other day he was in the pool and he instructed daddy that he was going to dive down to get the key but if he doesn't come back up to "get me the hell out of there!"   hahahaha!  I'm not sure what Rory said to that, but when he was retelling it I was laughing too hard to hear the rest of his story.

Quinn can say "banana" without a problem now, and sometimes he likes to just yell "BANANA!" at the top of his lungs, at home, at the store, in bed... I think he's pretty proud of himself.  He's also been blowing kisses and saying bye as he waves.  One morning as I was gettin ready for work I heard him get up too and he was in there crying "Why?? why?? WHY??"  I don't know that he knows what that means, but I had to go in and get him up with me too. :)

Easter, Rory's birthday and a visit from Nana are all coming up!  And then it will practically be summer! yay!

Take care,

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