Monday, March 11, 2013

Caterpillars and Timeouts

This weekend was much more lazy than that last. phew!  We got our cups back from the ceramics place where we painted them on Ronin's birthday-- they look pretty cool! 

My mug and Ronin's cup

We got to go swimming on Saturday and planted apple trees, calla lillies and dahlias in some big pots.  Ronin's caterpillars came in the mail on Friday for his butterfly garden he got for his birthday.  We are trying to observe and keep a journal of them every couple of days... so far he says they look like centepedes...

24 hours after they arrived - there are 5 of them in there somewhere

Quinn still goes to sit in Ronin's lap when Ronin has to sit in timeout.  I don't know if he does it because he feels bad for his big brother, or because it's the only time Ronin is sitting still and not trying to push him away from something he's doing, but it's still so cute.  He even brings a blanket over sometimes to cuddle.
Timeout with big brother

Quinny now points to our nose and screams "NO!" instead of "nose" - which at first I thought he was telling me very sternly "NO!" but he just hasn't got the "S" in nose yet.   Sometimes he'll cover his eyes and say "eyes" too.   But he's very eager to scream "NO" and stab you in the nose (or miss your nose and poke your eye).

Quinn NOT sitting in the tub

This is Cheyla's last week of babysitting the boys before she's gone for 2 months and I have to start taking the boys to daycare each morning again.  Ronin is super excited, I hope Quinn does well with the change... he really loves people so I think he'll do fine at first.  At least the house will stay cleaner while we are at work!

Oh- and I did not get the new job at my work :(  A coworker with a little more time in at the PUD got it over me, but both of my bosses had really nice things to say about me and that I did great in the interview and will excede here.  It's too bad, but I'm a little relieved since it would have been more responsibilty, and I like the flexibility I have right now with my family/work schedule, so my time will come eventually :)

Nothing else exciting is going on - we are waiting for the weather to warm up so we can resume our summer activities with the boys and go camping.  I even found a campground called "Camp Dakota" that rents out tee-pee's to sleep in and has zip lines and gold panning for the kids. Hoping to go there this summer!

That's about all!
Lots of love,

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