Monday, February 25, 2013

Bark and Perry the Platypus

This weekend we had Sean spend the night and I had them make Perry the Platypus boxes (Perry is a character on one of their favorite cartoons)

The boys working on their "Perry"

The finished Perry the Platypus boxes :)

When the boys would leave Ronins room Quinn would run in and jump on the bed- he's so funny!

I think Quinn enjoyed trapping Ronin..

Caged boy

He likes to take my hat off my head...

On Sunday we were able to finish barkdusting our front area while Quinny was napping, it was a lot of work, but looks so much better!


And some how I managed to have enough energy to make some cake decorations for Ronin's mad scientist birthday party as well...

Eyeballs everywhere!  I'm going to add some slime to the cake when I make it too..

We are getting a new refrigerator (stainless steel!) on Thursday.  A friend at work asked if I knew anyone that had a refrigerator his son could have since he's moving into his first house... I ran the idea by Rory and decided it was a good time to get a new fridge and help someone out at the same time.  So YAY new fridge!  That's also Ronin's birthday- I told him he's getting a fridge for his birthday and he was upset because he wants toys instead. haha    Exciting 5th birthday this week!  and a new fridge!  I still haven't heard anything about the job I applied for... I'm hoping to find out soon though!  Maybe today?   So STILL wish me luck and think good thoughts!!

Lot's of love!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Barkdust and... Cross Your Fingers!

Last weekend was a 3-day weekend for Presidents Day, which was nice to have!  Friday night I made a Justin Bieber cake for an 8 year old girl for some extra cash.  I just laminated pictures of him and decorated the cake girly...

Ronin said it looks like Justin has a headache.  haha!

We had a couple of friends over on Saturday to visit and on Sunday I took the boys on a 2 hour-tour of IKEA...  that place is so huge I feel like I should have a GPS so I can find my way out again!  We ate lunch there and Ronin and I got cute decorative lanterns for cheap.  On Monday we decided to do yard work, ordered bark "nuggets" and put down weed guard all along the front of the fence where the trees are, it is looking REALLY good.   Our next project, once the weather gets nice, is to paint our house dark green with white trim...

House BEFORE bark nuggets...


After bark!

I am having fun preparing for Ronin's 5th birthday party, I made Mad Scientist name badges for each of his friends:
I think they turned out pretty cute :)

Quinny got stuck in the drawer... He wanted me to get him out. haha!

Today (Wednesday) I had my interview for my bosses job as Office Supervisor.  I think the interview went well, but there are 6 other candidates who are also qualified so keep your fingers crossed for me!  We should find out more by the end of the week... there could be a second interview, or they might just decide on a candidate without second interviews...  I am really hoping for the job, but if it doesn't happen then I will be fine staying where I am.  I pulled my job bid from the Purchasing job, as it wasn't more money and it wouldn't have given me as much freedom as I have in my current job.  My bosses job would be ideal!

Ronin goes to the dentist today to have a tooth filled...  I hope it is relatively painless for him or he'll never forgive me!  This weekend his friend Sean is going to spend the night while his parents go to a concert.   And next Thursday is Ronin's BIG 5th Birthday!  We are taking the day off so we can spoil him with our attention while Quinn is at home with Cheyla.  The boys got to visit the daycare on Monday that they'll begin going to in March.  Quinn was amazed by the playdoh and other children.  I think he'll do fine for a couple of months.  Ronin is super excited to start pre-kindergarten, he already made friends and didn't want to leave after our hour of "visiting" the daycare was up.

Quinn is repeating words we say all the time.  I even got him to point to his nose, which he thinks is hilarious, and his eyes too.  He loves bath night, when I say "okay, let's get a bath!" he runs to the bathroom door trying to open it and yells "BATH!!".  He also sniffs and bites his favorite blanket now... I washed it over the weekend and it must be even tastier and smellier because he's constantly sniffing/biting it. haha

Ronin told us the other day that he's glad we are still alive.  I couldn't help but laugh at that- he must think we are REALLY old.  haha  

That's about it!

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Murder and Spaghetti

Happy (almost) Valentines day!

Last weekend we had a "Murdery Mystery" dinner with some of our friends.  I didn't read ahead to find out who the murderer was or how the characters played out, so it was quite funny when we found out Rory's character- the Mexican drifter/farmhand "Enrique Graves" just happened to be sleeping with 3 of the characters and growing pot.  It was sooo funny as the story unfolded - that's why he's posing in the picture like he's "hot". ha ha!  I was the victim, the widowed owner of a grape vineyard...  Fun times!

Our friends :)

Quinny has been a busy little bee - I can not seem to keep up with his messes as fast as he makes them.  Either that or he is always asking "up, up, UP!"  Some new words he's learned are "MINE!", "out", "wa-wa", "night-night", "bite" sounds like "butt"...   Lately when I ask if he went "poo-poo" he'll walk me to his changing table and wait for me to pick him up to change him!  Maybe he'll want to potty train early?!?  He has a favorite blanket now too, it's white with blue stars on it that says "Thank Heaven for Little Boys" around the edge... I think it might have been Ronin's when he was a baby, but now Quinn drags it all through the house saying "night-night".  He'll even go get it when I tell him "go get your blankey".  He's understanding a lot of simple instructions and picking up on a lot more than I realize.  He also likes to play keep-away with dishes when I'm taking them out of the dishwasher or clothes when I'm folding laundry.  Quite the prankster.

Quinny on Ronins exercise bike

Trying to hide from me...

Wanting to go "out!"  also probably about to play in the dog water...

Ronin has had his 3rd headache/vomiting spell in the last month and a half... I took him to the doctor last week and she and I both think it might be related to dehydration... but she wants me to keep a journal of when it happens and what's happening around the same time.  On Monday night he didn't have a headache before going to bed, but woke up around midnight running to the bathroom to puke.  I felt so bad for him :(  He does seem to do better when he's drinking more liquids... but I really doubt he's dehydrated to the point of headaches and puking that often :(  So we'll just keep an eye on it and if it persists his doctor will send him to a neurologist to figure out the headaches.

I took Tuesday off to make sure Ronin drank enough water and felt better.  Around lunch we were bored so we went to the mall for some fun :)
Puppies! at the mall

Quinny making a friend in the mall's play area

See, he obviously feels just fine!


Cutie :)

When we got home Quinn had spaghetti and Ronin ate his left overs... I think Quinn had WAY more fun though...

Ronin trying to show me how much fun HIS food is...

We still haven't put anything IN our greenhouse yet, but we have a ton of seeds and soil ready to go!  Ronin got a tiny strawberry pot with seeds from Target for $1...  I hope it grows for him!

Not a whole lot going on.  Next week Ronin gets to have a filling put in his tooth.  I hope that goes well... He doesn't know he's going to get a shot in the gums... I think it's better not to warn him. Maybe?!

Wish him luck!

Lots of love,

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl & Snow Play

It's been a couple of weeks, but nothing too exciting has happened.  Sean spent the night a couple weekends ago and the boys wore Quinn out- he slept until 8:30, when the boys woke him up.  That was the longest he's slept!  He kept following them around like they had candy stuck to their butts or something, he even tried to play video games with them, it was so cute!

Quinn trying to be one of the big boys ;)

That same weekend Rory decided to make a green house so we can have potatoes and other veggies year round, and so I can start flowers from seeds to save money.  It turned out pretty nice!  We got a bunch of library books so we can get started soon!  I read somewhere that people put their christmas lights on the inside to keep the temperature up while it's still freezing outside, genius!  I'll let you know how it all goes- I'm excited!

Greenhouse! It *might* be too close to the firepit- but luckily we can move it later if it is.

I've been working on Ronin's birthday party invitations, so we had a little Mad Scientist photo shoot one day...
Professor Ronin

And this is what I came up with for his birthday party invite (the kid party):
I think it turned out pretty good :)

On Saturday we drove up to Mt. Saint Helens until we ran into snow so the kids could play in it.  Quinny liked sitting in it and trying to walk, but I had to hold his hand or he'd get mad when he had to get back up and couldn't.
Quinn trying to stand or about to fall...

Ronin sledding down the hill

Happy snow-boy

Rory and the boys :)

Me and the boys :)

On Sunday it was the Superbowl so we stayed home to watch the game, Ronin decided to be a Ravens fan and then daddy switched teams to be a Ravens fan, so Quinn and I were left to the 49ers...  Quinn actually sat on the couch and watched it for a while- little football fan!  I put money in a couple of football pools at work and actually won $100!  well, $75 after my $25 to play :)  Rory played too but didn't win anything.  It made the game a lot more fun!

During half-time, and the stadium power outage Ronin and I made some paper bag animals just for fun.  He's getting really good at just looking at what the finished picture is supposed to look like and making his own pattern up to get it done :) 

Puppy, owl, and sock monkey

Quinny was sure a busy guy all weekend, running around the house hiding, climbing on things, falling off of things, taking our phones, harrassing the cat, pulling his diapers off his dresser, trying to get into the bathroom...  I'm exhausted just chasing him around!  Most of the time he did all this while he had a Cheeto or a piece of pizza in one hand.

Quinn took over the cat scratch post...

This is Quinny acquiring the cat's bed...

He's getting good at getting on his toys by himself now :)

Ronin chilling with his "puppy" :)

Not much else going on...  This weekend we have a "Murder Mystery" party at our house, the boys are going out to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa for a couple hours during our party.   Should be fun!

I have Ronin's gifts bought already for his birthday. Time is flying by!  He's going to be FIVE!  That's just crazy.  He cracks me up all the time, the other day he was acting like a robot, he was inside of a cloth "tunnel" the kids crawl through and said he was half human and half tube robot.  And then he tooted, and I asked what happened and he said "that was just my computer drawing a picture".    HA HA- I have no idea where he comes up with these things!

Lots of love!