Monday, November 26, 2012

Mule Deer Thanksgiving

We had a great time up at the Mule-Deer lodge for Thanksgiving last week!   Rory's sister, Melanie and her family were up visiting so we got to spend a lot of time together.  The boys LOVED the lodge.  Ronin loved the snow so much we had to tell him to come in to get warmed up each time he went out.  And Quinn loved all the room there was to walk around - he got quite a bit of practice and is now toddling everywhere- and he's fast!

Quinn walking away...

Quinn walking towards me...

We had a great time playing Monopoly, watching movies, playing with the kids, eating (a LOT of eating), baking cookies...  I wish we had our own cabin in the mountains that we could escape to!  Ronin was pretty heart broken after he woke up the second morning and most of the snow had melted... I really thought it would snow over night too.  Poor guy.  And Quinn ate and ate and ate, mostly all he did was eat... and sleep... and walk.   So here are some pictures from our long weekend:

Ronin and some snow...

Ronin throwing snowballs at me!

Quinny didn't like the snow too much...

Cousin Nick and Ronin

The same bear from 3 years ago :)

Quinny and the bear :)

Smiles :)

Grandma Jan tickling Quinn

Us girls making a Brooke sammich!

Some writing under the table...

Uncle Guy playing with Ronin

Quinny eating, again... and visiting with Aunt Melanie

Playing in the snow

Grandpa playing with the boys

Us girls again

Melanie and her boys

Ronin with food in his mouth, and the "basket" behind Rory looks like it on his head...

Aunt Melanie and our boys

Mega Block building with Nick

Rory and me

Wiggle-worm and me

Unhappy boy :(

Brothers :)

Ronin has a very frightened look on his face...

a group shot, minus Brad and Brooke...

Mr. Bear

I just bought tickets to the Polar Express for me and the boys to go on Sunday the 16th...  Shelley and Sean are going to come with us too.  It should be fun! 

Enjoy and take care,

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Unicorns and walking babies

Quinny had his 12 month doctor appointment last Friday.  He's in the 95th percentile for height!  the 70th percentile for weight and head circumference...   He's a tank!  
Quinn giving himself his own exam

He's been keeping his glasses on a lot more lately and he's decided to start walking a lot more!  He's leaving his safety zones like the couch and walking from one object to the next without holding on, he's so proud of himself!

A short video of a little bit of walking...

Saturday was a rainy day so Ronin and I did some crafts for Chirstmas and made lots of cookies.  Sunday we went to Mike and Shelley's for dinner - Quinn walked to Shelley twice and snatched my cookie out of my hand a few times.   We call him the little "hulk" because when he gets mad his face turns red and he makes fists and shakes and growls at us- it's pretty funny to watch!

On Friday I got to break away to see the final Twilight movie with my girlfiends.  Shelley surprised me with a unicorn pillow pet!  I kept joking that I've wanted the unicorn pillow-pet for years, and she gave it to me for my birthday :)

My ereader, papasan chair and pillow pet - this is my "mommy time" place.

Ronin found a pair of panty hose and this is his "thug" face

Some random cuteness:
High-fiving himself

Taped up glasses

Trying to eat with a fork ;)

Ronin talking instead of eating...

bath time


what a face!

He was running away from me here ;)

this was after Quinn tried biting Ronin...

Now this week/weekend we are off to the mountain to do some sledding and snowman building!  Ronin has been asking every day "is it the day we get to go to the snow?"  I sure hope it dumps a bunch on us just for him!   :)   

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Quinn's First Birthday!

Quinny's first birthday was on Sunday.  Unfortunatley I lost his glasses the day before the party :(   I put them on the top of my car while I buckled him and Ronin in, and forgot I left them there...  I'm sure he's happy that I forgot, but I felt terrible for doing something so stupid.  So we get to reorder them again this week...

He won't remember a thing, but I think he had a good birthday anyway!  Nana and Papa came on Saturday to celebrate with him and he got some cool blocks, clothes and books!

Papa's photo didn't turn out quite so nice...

Aw, I love this one!

I made Quinn's birthday cake extra special with lots of colors...

And here is the finished product:

Birthday Cake!

He had homemade macaroni and cheese and little pigs in a blanket for his snacks :)

Unwrapping--- or at least playing with the ribbon...

This is Ronin while Quinn opens his presents, poor big brother! haha

Cake time!

Singing the birthday song

Smashing his cake with his milk cup


All of his birthday cards :)

He got tons of presents which he didn't really want to unwrap, but he loves them all :)  that night he had a tummy ache from all the cake he ate so he was up a lot crying.  Poor guy!  And he doesn't like drinking milk instead of formula before bed...  so we've had to mix it 50/50 formula and milk to get him to drink, he was dehydrating himself otherwise.  Picky guy!

Nice face!

The next day was my birthday, which I had off from work since Veterans day fell on a Sunday.  I took the boys to McDonalds to play with Sean at Playland and then came home and napped in my new papasan cushion I got for my birthday :)   We had cake and ice cream and watched a movie after the boys went to bed :)

Quinn and me in my new papasan cushion...
you can't see it but it's super fluffy and soft :)

'Til next week!