Monday, October 8, 2012

Kindle love

My new Kindle Paperwhite ereader from Amazon came last week!!  I love it sooo much!  It has it's own light source so I don't need to turn the lamp on to read any longer.  It even had some free word-games that I have been playing.  It's A-Maze-Ing!  :) 

Last week I got a free papasan chair from a friend for my little "reading nook" in the back room.  Not even 5 minutes after I brought it in was it confiscated by a little 4 year old I know...  He settled in with his headphones and DVD player like a cat entitled to the plushest spot on the bed...  It was too cute so I let him have his moment.

Ronin taking over my new chair.

Last week Ronin got to go to a pumpkin patch with his friends Sean and Madeline.  They had a lot of fun and Shelley was nice enough to take some pictures of the gang.

On Saturday Ronin had a birthday party to go to for Trenton.  It was a pirate party and both Quinn and Ronin came home with some pirate booty to play with.  I didn't bring my camera but I'm sure Treton's mom will post some pictures soon :)

Sunday we decided to go to Battle Ground Lake to fish and do some walking.  We stopped at Rockies Pizza for some salads to go - man I miss thier food!   Rory and Ronin didn't get a single bite but they saw a crawdad and Ronin caught a moth, so in his mind it was a victorious day at the lake.  Quinn and I took the jogging stroller on a little hike to the top of the trails and back down again.  When we got home we finished staining Ronins fort.

Not too crazy-busy, but just enough to make it a nice weekend.  :)   I love this weather and the leaves changing.... I wish I could live somewhere where it was perpetually always fall!   

Quinn's next eye appointment, where he'll get the little wing that goes between his eyes, isn't until the 24th...  He's ripping his glasses off more now that he was the first couple of days, I think he's more aware of them or something.  I guess we have a few weeks to get him used to them though.

Quinny enjoying a graham cracker

Brothers sharing a shopping cart at Lowes :)

Until next week,

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