Monday, October 22, 2012

Parties and pumpkins

Two weeks to catch up on...   a couple of weekends ago we went to a birthday party for 4 year old Madeline.  We gave her a pink cash register which all the boys took over and I heard her say in her mouse-quiet little girl voice "why does everyone keep taking my toys away?"  Poor Madeline :(  Ronin decided he wants a cash register as well, only not pink.  haha 

Madelines birthday gang (see Sean and Ronin on the right)

Quinny discovered some fun blocks at Madeline's house

Madeline's pumpkin garden :)

Happy with his candy necklace from the party.

And somehow I got out of the house to get my hair colored and cut :)

New hair and cute baby :)

Last weekend we took a day off to take the boys to the Velvet Acres farm near our house.  There was only one other family there so we had the run of the place!  And it was much cheaper than BiZi Farms...

Scare Crow boys

Not too interested in the rabbit...

Ronin loved feeding the pony straw...

Funny goats

Family picture :)

Bumpy pumpkins

Ronin and our collection of pumpkins :)

Pulling them to the car

Ronin wanted me to take our picture with his stuffed animals- so here it is  :)

Oh yeah, we went to Battle Ground Lake a couple weekends ago too, no fish biting though :(

Nice day to fish!

Still trying to catch something...

Quinny and I waiting for the boys to finish NOT catching fish ;)

Busy two weeks... I'm gearing up for Quinny's party, already have the cake designed in my head... good thing he thoroughly enjoys ripping up paper -- I'd say he's ready for presents!  

I made banana bread last night and Quinn LOVED it and wouldn't leave me alone until he ate a full piece by himself.   So surprising that he loves sugar... ha ha!

Until next week,

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