Wednesday, June 13, 2012

5 years and MRI scheduled

Rory and I just celebrated our 5 year anniversary this week!  I had some very lovely flowers delivered to my office on Tuesday- they are beautiful!

Quinny is still all smiles and very happy- no new teeth to report.  He's very interested in standing and has been working on crawling as well- he's just about got the hang of it, he goes faster when he rolls from place to place, but he's up on all 4's like a dog and sometimes he'll jump his backfeet forward and laugh, but then forget to move his hands and fall on his face the next time he jumps his legs forward...  I think he'll have it down in the next couple of weeks... then look out world!
Quinn is laughing at mommy while we wait for daddy and brother to get out of the gym.

Ronin singing about jellyfish while playing the guitar.

Quinn looks like he's comforting his big brother or something... haha

Daddy let him play with his big guitar.

Part of the Jellyfish song, and Quinn trying to help.

Quinn's MRI is finally scheduled for 2pm on June 28th.  It's going to be a tough day.  We have to be at OHSU by 12:30, but his MRI isn't until 2pm... He has to stop nursing by 9:30 and can have only clear liquids until 11:30, and then nothing until after the MRI... they have to sedate him so he holds still.  This breaks my heart, I don't want to see him get jabbed with an IV or be sedated... but I know he won't remember any of it and it's just to make sure there's nothing going on in his brain.  He's been diagnosed with Spasmus Nutans, and should outgrow it by about 3 years at the latest, but the MRI will clear up any other underlying condition.  I pray they find nothing else going on and that it's a wasted MRI...  My poor little cuddle-bug, I'm not looking forward to the 28th at all...  So needless to say, I put off weaning him until after the MRI is over since having breast milk allows him to stop eating 2 hours later than he would have had to with formula.... I don't think he'll be too happy not eating for that long...  :(

Other than that little stresser in our lives, things are going good.  The boys are growing.  Ronin is a smarty pants and always cracking me up.  Quinn is the happiest baby I've ever seen and makes us warm and fuzzy inside.  :)   We are celebrating our anniversary tomorrow (thursday) since we asked for that day off, along with Friday.  But Friday we are taking the boys to the Enchanted Forest for a little family fun time.  :)   I love our little family!  And hopefully sometime soon the sun will warm things up and we can actually USE our new pool!!

Lots of love,

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