Monday, June 4, 2012

New pool

We finally got a swimming pool!  It's not a huge one since we weren't really sure it would get used enough to justify buying and maintaining a large one, so we got one just big enough to have a little summer fun in :)  Ronin could NOT wait to fill it, so he sat in it while the garden hose was filling it with water.  It had to be freezing cold! 

He has been telling us all kinds of nuggets of information, like: "did you know if you are really sick you should eat cat food?"  "did you know noodles are just sand?"  he also wanted to know why he can't have his zebra fish (live fish) in the swimming pool with him when he swims.  haha!  We are going to plan a "pool" party for him and a couple of his friends, it should be entertaining to watch!

New swim fins
Quinn is enjoying all kinds of baby food lately.  I don't think there is one he hasn't liked yet!  His pediatrician called me last week to schedule an MRI for Quinn... I didn't expect a call from anybody, but she explained that it has bothered her for a couple of weeks now that the eye doctor didn't actually see the movement in his eye and that an MRI just gets a better look at the connection to the brain and the brain itself to rule out any other problems.   The eye doctor diagnosed him with "Spasmus Nutans".  Which most of the time says they grow out of it - but it also explains the head bobbing he does, since it seems linked to the eye movements.   I'm still waiting to hear from them to schedule the MRI... she said they will "gas" him to make him lay still.  :(   poor guy...  I know he won't remember and it will be good to rule out tumors or other things... 

Here he is giving himself some high-fives in the mirror- the cuteness is almost too much! haha

Other than that not a whole lot going on at home!  We've been trying to swim at the gym as much as possible, Ronin is a FISH!  and Quinn seems to like it enough not to cry :)  Oh and Quinn says "mo-mo" and "mum-mum"... so he's getting closer to saying MA MA!! 
Quinn LOVES his big brother so much!

I love how much the boys adore each other :)  I know Ronin can't wait for Quinn to play with him and Quinn can't wait to play with Ronin - I hope they become the best of friends for a while before they start fighting. haha

Aren't they cute?!

Lots of love,

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