Monday, April 30, 2012

Two Teeth!

The last two weeks have went by in a flash!
  Quinn now has a second tooth, it came in 4 days after his first!  He's so cute with his toothy grins :)

You can kind of see the bottom two teeth...

Ronin, Quinn and I made it to the Farmers Market a couple of weekends ago, where Ronin had a hand-dipped corndog that he later told daddy was "so delicious". haha  It was a great weekend and I can't wait to go back again for another "delicious" corndog.


Quinn has also been practicing sitting up on his own!  He's growing up soo fast!  I think we were in a hurry to see Ronin reach all these milestones, and now that I realize it goes so quickly I want Quinn to slow down!
Praciticing his new sitting up skills.

We got to go to Lacamas lake a couple of times these last two weeks, neither time incited a fish though.  :(

We are going through some "sleep training" with Quinn to get him to lull himself to sleep without the need of nursing, crying or rocking to stay asleep.  It seems to be slowly working- last night he slept for almost 7 hours straight!  But Ronin is still having a hard time staying in his room all night, especially when Quinn does wake up and makes noise waking everyone else up.  Hopefully we'll all get into a good sleep routine sometime soon!  I'm so ready to sleep for a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep!  I feel like it's been at least a year since I've had that!

Ronin recently watched the first Indiana Jones movie, and when the man got his heart ripped out (I forgot about that part) he asked us to turn it off.  We did and I tried to explain that it was a fake heart, the guy is an actor and it's not real blood but catsup.  After a while he accepted that it was all fake (I think?) and the next day I asked him to go check on his baby brother and he replied with "I can't mom, I'm busy...  gee... I hope nobody's ripping his heart out!"  I think I burst out laughing when he said that!  Too funny!    And we were talking about how he can't sleep with us when he's an adult and how he'll have his own house and wife and he grew very worried and said that he doesn't ever want to move out and wants to live with us forever and doesn't want a wife but that he will sleep in his own bed all night when he's adult. haha!

Yesterday was the Home and Garden Idea Fair and I had to put in my 4 hours of volunteer time.  So I crawled into the trunk of our electric car just to see if I could fit.  And I do.

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First Tooth and Volcano's!

This last week was chocked full!  We joined the gym as a family so Ronin got to swim with daddy and go down the big slide, which he loved!  While mommy and Quinn ran on the track upstairs.  We are pretty excited that we can all go as a family and Ronin even got his first ID card!  On Sunday we all went to Battle Ground lake to go fishing and enjoy the weather.  It was recently stocked with fish but we didn't get a single bite.  The man at the end of the dock let Ronin reel in a small trout he had caught though- that was nice!

Quinn is 5 months old now!  And yesterday (4/17/12) his first tooth broke through!  It looks like the second one is close behind- I can't wait to see his toothy grins :)

This day he turned 5 months old

This one cracks me up- I'm trying to pull his lip down to see his tooth!

Yesterday Quinn had his eye appointment finally!  It took a while to dialate his eyes and then she did a quick eye exam with some lights and lenses and told me she didn't see anything to worry about.  All the causes that are associated with eye's that dart aren't there and she says he'll be just fine, his exam was 100% perfect and his vision seems perfect as well.  She doesn't want to see us back unless the pediatrician asks for another exam.  That was great news!  I was really worried something would affect his vision or he'd need surgery.  So it was a huge relief!! When I got home I gave Cheyla the day off and got Quinn to take a nap while Ronin and I made a valcano out of papermache - while he napped I dried it so he could paint it and we could make it "erupt".   He said I was a cool mom for doing that, aw!

Ronin asked me where fairies live, and I said I didn't know- maybe under mushrooms or in the clouds.  And later he asked me where Elmo lives - or where Sesame Street is.  I said I didn't know, he said he thinks Elmo lives above God and "The Scissor man".   The "scissor man" he's refering to is Edward Scissorhands. haha!    And while we were playing Mr. Potato head we decided to make Ms. Potato head too, and they went on a date- he said they had to kiss before they went on their date- I asked why, and he said so they know they are in love first. haha   And he even made a table for them to eat dinner at -- and then he served them leftover Mr. Potato head parts, which made me laugh and I said "ew, they are eating eyes and noses and lips!" and he said "no mom, it's food!" haha

and more pictures:

I love it when he makes this face!

More rice cereal... yummm...

Feeding his brother :)

He found a worm

Ronin's drawing of me!

Riding his bike :)

This week it's more fishing, swimming and then Sean comes over Friday night for a sleepover... I'm tired just thinking about it!

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter eggs and punching bears

Last weekend was Easter!  Shelley and Sean went with Ronin, Quinn and I to find Easter eggs at my works Easter Egg event...  It was quite dissapointing since the eggs weren't jam-packed full like they used to be when I was helping out with the event...  Seems everyone is getting cheap... but the boys had fun and got to see the Easter Bunny!   That night was Rory's birthday so we had cake that Ronin frosted himself, and I made chicken and dumplings.  Rory went shooting that morning with his friends and Ronin made him a "target" to shoot at, it was a robot - he was so proud of himself!  and even prouder of Daddy when he saw all the holes in it later.

His Robot Target

Little Quinn has an eye appointment set for the 17th, which is next Tuesday, so we are anxious to hear what they have to say.   He got a few Easter presents as well, a big bear from Uncle Brad and Aunt Brooke, and some new spoons and a baby book from us.

Ronin got in a bit of trouble last week when he and Sean went to McDonalds playland together for a playdate.  Sean told Ronin to punch a little girl -- so Ronin DID! (not hard, just pushed her in the stomach)  and then Sean came and tattled on Ronin.  They both confessed to what they did and I was furious that Ronin would do something like that!  He told me that when Sean told him to do it he couldn't say NO to his buddy!  I told him if he can't say no to a friend then they are not his friend.   Is this what little boys do when they get together?  I kind of worry Ronin will be one of those kids who buddies up with the bully to avoid getting picked on and then does the dirty work...   But I'm sure it's something most kids go through and we just have to teach him to think before he does something...  Luckily the little girl wasn't very phased and I made him appologize, and then he went straight to nap without any stories which he told me later "broke his heart". haha 

The last couple of nights Quinn has decided it's playtime in the middle of the night, which means time to talk!  He babbled for over an hour last night while he was punching his teddy bears that were hanging above his head in the bassinet...  and the whole reason he was even in the bassinet is completely my friend Shelleys' fault!   She told me a few days ago that whenever she see's a picture of Quinn and I there is always something "floating" in the background, like a ghost.   So when I was putting Quinn back to sleep last night I was thinking about what she said... and then I started thinking about those "Paranormal Activity" movies...  and after I returned to bed and shut my eyes I thought I noticed a light flicking on- so I opened my eyes to see that everything was still dark.... and then about 30 seconds later Quinn started crying.  So with all the paranormal talk still in my head I swiftly grabbed Quinn from his crib and brought him into our room to sleep in the basinet...  where he thought it was playtime and did his hour long babbles and bear punching... until he finally drifted back to sleep.    I realize now that my eyes always do twitchy things like that and Quinn wasn't all the way asleep when I put him down-- but nonetheless I told Rory to replace the nightlight bult that burned out so I dont' freak myself out again! haha

BFF's Ronin and Sean

Mr. Bunny!

Finding eggs

Sean, Shelley, me, Quinn & Ronin

Yay Easter Basket!

What the heck do I do with this??

Bunny Ears :)

So the boys are good, we are doing good, the sun is starting to show it's shining face!  I hope everyone else is doing great too. 

Lots of love,

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rainy days

This last week was ho-hum...  Daddy was sick with the flu for 2 days, and the babysitter was sick for 1 day... Luckily the kids and I didn't get any of the crud.  Over the weekend we worked on the cabinets some more -- it's the never ending project that I just want done! 

I borrowed our work camera and took some pictures of the kids just for fun :)   And we have an eye appointment for Quinny now - but not until the 17th, which seems like a long time to wait on something so important but apparently the eye doctor reviewed the pediatricians notes and didn't think it was urgent.   I hope she's right.

Nana is staying with us for half of the week to watch the kids while we go to work.  Ronin has been telling her stories like Daddy was born in a barn... haha  funny boy!

Easter is coming fast - we are going to an Easter egg hunt on Saturday at my work with Shelley and Sean, I hope one of the boys get a big prize!  Should be fun :)

The pictures:

Lot's of Love and Happy Easter!