Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Santa countdown

The boys finally got to see Santa last weekend.  We had cocoa with Claus at the Kids Fun & Fitness center where Ronin takes his swim class lessons.  We had Sean and Shelley meet us there so the boys could play in the giant "jungle" area together.  When Ronin was in line to see Mr. & Mrs. Claus he said "I can't believe Mrs. Claus is here too!"- So cute!  When he sat on Santa's lap at first he asked for a bell from Santa's sleigh- like on the movie Polar Express... but then he sasked for a glow in the dark helicopter, Fleas on my dog game, and something else...  Quinn got to sit on Mrs. Claus' lap for a visit too.  :)
Ronin's visit

Quinn and Mrs. Claus

Both boys

At a friends Christmas exchange I received a color-changing Snoopy.  Ronin takes it to his bedroom at nap time.  He's so funny.  This week Ronin and I made a Christmas chain to count down the days, snowflakes and we decorated paper xmas bulbs for fun :)
Here's Snoopy with some of Ronins decorations on the tree.

Today Ronin wanted to go ride bikes while Rory was at work and I asked what we'd do with Quinn while we are riding bikes since he's too little.  Ronin said we should put him in a box and wrap him up so nobody would see him until we got back.  haha!

Ronin in his new PJ's, the tree and a rubber band on his nose...

Little Quinn... 5 1/2 weeks old

I really liked how this photo looked :)

Next blog will be after Christmas!  Happy holidays!


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