Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Watermelon Love

August 23, 2011

I had our 28 week check-up last week, everything is good…  I scheduled another ultra sound to check on little Quinn’s kidney.  In our last ultra-sound it showed a slightly smaller kidney and they need to make sure it caught up to the other kidney or it could be a problem in the future for him.

The baby bump

Last week we went for a bike ride.  I’m amazed I can still bend over to reach the handles… haha  We stopped at the school to let Ronin play, he told us he can climb the ladders now that he’s a teenager…  Such a grown up in his own mind. Hehe

I’ve been workin on the baby’s room a little bit at a time… I’m also working on a baby mobile that I can hang from the ceiling, Ronin is getting in on it too and is starting his own… when It’s done I’ll post pictures J

Last weekend we got to visit my parents (Nana & Papa) in Goldendale.  Ronin had so much fun playing with Tina, the little pug and even tried to fly a kite Nana gave him.  He also likes to ride Nana's exercise bike saying he needs the exercise.  At one point he sat out on the front porch and told Papa he didn’t want to come in because he was practicing being a Garden Gnome.  He got this idea from his new favorite cartoon “Phineas & Ferb”… in which he also got another quirky idea from – naming everything he plays with with “inator” at the end.  For example, he was playing with magnets – but he called them “magnet-inators”…  a watering pot became his “water-inator”…  fork-inators, marker-inators… you get the picture.  It cracks me up!  I told him his imagination is so good that it leaks out of his head as wax, he told me he doesn’t want to wash the wax out anymore now.  doh!

Tina & Ronin

Ronin getting his exercise

We had a great time with Nana and Papa and he didn’t want to leave.  He even got to go to the river for a bit on our way home that night, where Grandma Jan let him have a watermelon to take home to eat…  unfortunately he won’t let us eat the watermelon!  He said he loves the watermelon and doesn’t want to cut it open…

Monday we took the day off for a family day at home.  We did a little window shopping and Ronin found a pair of frog swim goggles for $1.50—he pretty much wore them for the rest of the day, despite them fogging up, making it hard for him to see where he is going…  He said they make him a super-hero.  I’m surprised he didn’t call them his goggle-inators…   After his nap Ronin really wanted to go bowling and go to Chuck-E-Cheese… since we couldn’t do both we decided to go bowling.  I was so proud of him for walking straight through all the brightly lit up and thundering games to go to the bowling alley part of Big Al’s.  We thought for sure he’d get distracted and want to play with the games…  But he had his heart set on bowling.  He and I played 10 frames, he did so good carrying the ball and shoving it down the alley!  Although he hated the bowling shoes and told me they were too girly (where does he get this stuff!?).

His froggy goggles

Not too bad for a 3 year old!

That was about it… here are some photos "Ronin the photographer" took all by himself, including turning the camera on to black and white (I don't even know how to do that!)  Enjoy!

An artistic take of Daddy's coffee...

He was so tickled that he took a picture of his pirate book... complete with his little toes :)

And of course... his watermelon

Lots of love,

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