Thursday, January 29, 2015

Pinewood Derby and New Bed!

A couple of weekends ago Ronin put his pinewood derby car (a Minecraft "creeper") in the cub scout race.  He got second place out of the 4 that were in his group.  It was pretty fun to watch, but Quinn lost patience about half way though and I had to chase him around the gym a lot. haha


Madison has her learners permit and is taking drivers ed - she needed driving time so she drove me all the way to the fairgrounds and back, and then back and forth to my house a couple weekends ago.  She's going to be such a good little driver!

One of our co-workers turned 50, so we threw HIM a princess party in his office.  

My friend, Bill, has been making beds for fun on the side, he said he would make Quinn a bed for the cost of the supplies.  So Quinn's bed is almost finished!  He's so excited to have a big bed!  I still have to find a mattress and stain the wood.  

The bed in pieces

Nearly finished!

The boys are doing good. Ronin is taking a short introductory course for TaeKwonDo.  He really wants to do it after his 5 classes are over, but I don't think I can afford it.  It's definitely good to get him moving though!  We took some walks this week since it was so nice for a couple of days.  Ronin even rode his bike again with the kids in the neighborhood.  He refuses to play with the kids if the older kid, Nick, is playing too because Nick tends to bully them around.  I was kind of proud of him for standing up to Nick and telling him he wouldn't play because Nick is mean to everyone.  Nick then promised to be nice, Ronin stayed and played for a bit until he said Nick started being mean again, then he came home.  Nick is a little punk who is about 4 years older than all the other kids.  I kind of feel sorry for him, he must not have any other friends if he's hanging out with such young kids.  But he's kind of a jerk so I don't feel too bad.

Quinn is doing just fine too.  In fact he hasn't worn pull-ups all week!  Last weekend I told him no more pull-ups and that we'll just have to wash a lot of clothes if he can't use the bathroom.  He rebelled a little on Saturday, but then Sunday he only used the toilet and I didn't have to rewash clothes.  He's doing so good!  It's about time too!   He still wears a diaper at night because he can't hold it that long yet.

Ronin's 7th birthday is coming up fast!  I get them every other weekend next month so that will be easy to plan a party for.  He says he wants to do it at our house so the neighbor kids can come.  And of course, it's going to be a Minecraft birthday theme.  haha

Here's Quinn making up some song to sing...

Not a lot more going on...  

Lots of love!

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