Friday, January 9, 2015

New Year - New Photos - New Dog Bite

We got our family photo's back from Kim - they turned out super cute, especially considering the boys were taking turns being grumpy about having their pictures taken.

Quinn's GQ pose  "hello ladies"

Smiles :)

Trying to smile??

Toothless :)

Quinn might be trying to strangle his brother...

I love this one :)

One of my gifts from a friend on Christmas Eve - POO-dough!

I got the boys back Christmas eve night so we got to wake up together and open presents!

Opening his stocking from Santa

He's excited about the M&M candy cane Santa left him

We headed to Nana and Papa's house on Christmas to have dinner and visit.  The boys were super excited to open even MORE gifts.  They were very spoiled.

Tina licking the air by Quinn 


Quinny got a kitchen- which was his favorite gift. He dragged it to his bedroom to sleep with it by his bed, and in the morning he dragged it back into the living room :)

Ronin got a "creeper" mask from Santa and a creeper shirt from me :)

Quinn got an art kit for Christmas - so he filled our fridge doors with his art ;)

After Christmas the boys asked to be put into separate bedrooms, mostly Ronin since Quinn keeps dumping all his Legos and Kinects on the floor and taking his toys.  Quinn didn't want to sleep separately at first, but they both seem pretty content having their own space to go to.  Ronin made sure his MineCraft posters went with him.  It's so much easier to keep the rooms cleaner now too.  What they don't know is that I took bags of old toys and stored them in the garage.  ha!

Ronin's room

Quinn wanted to ride his tryke outside

Last Saturday Robert, me, Madison and Kyle went to volunteer for the tree-chipping event at work.

Madison and me waiting for trees to chip.

Shortly after we started the tree chipping I got a call from Rory telling me Quinn was in the emergency room.  Ringo attacked him and he had to get stitches.  It was horrible... It took everything I had in me not to cry when I saw him.  He's such a brave little guy, by the time I got there he didn't shed a tear.  He got 13 stitches total.  Most in just his upper lip.  He called his stitches his "mustache" when he felt them.  He got them out yesterday, it looks good so far.  We have to wait until around his 4th birthday to see how badly they scarred.

Monday morning vs. Thursday stitch removal

Cheyla and Nathan got a new puppy, Dris.  She's super cute and both of the boys love just love her.  I wasn't sure Quinn would be okay with animals again, but he had no problem with Kiera or the puppy.  

That's about it for the new year...  
lots of love,

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