Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cake, TaeKwonDo and Best Purchase Ever!

Quinn is all moved into his new bed!  He's so excited and loves jumping on it.  It's super sturdy and I was telling him one night before bed that it should last him a long time and when he's a young man he can take it with him.  He told me "but I want to be a lady!"  ha ha ha!  

Sleeping his first night in his new bed :)

We bought some "perler" beads to make fun shapes out of last week, the kids loved them- and Bella's mom even thanked me for being such a "cool" mom.  That was nice :)  I always think of myself as a fairly boring mom who occasionally has a good idea and bakes too many sweets. 

They made Mine Craft necklaces - big surprise!

I made a pig for my friend Julie - because she said it's her spirit animal.

Ronin's school had a fundraiser where they could stay after school 2 times a week for 2 weeks to learn about TaeKwonDo.  After that introductory period, they let them continue for 2 more weeks for only $10 plus they get a uniform (gi) for free.  This is his last week, he really enjoys it but it is quite expensive to sign up for.  Maybe in the future he can go back.  It's nice to see him active!  It's so cute to see him punch and kick while yelling "HA!" 

TaeKwonDo kick!

and a coworker bought me coffee :)

On to the BEST PURCHASE EVER!  My friend Julie, who is slightly weirder than me, discussed my need to have a unicorn mask with me one night.  This was after she helped me stress out over the fact that I don't have a favorite animal.  Quinn asked me one night what my favorite animal is.  I don't have one!  He said his is a dog.  Julie and I agreed that I can't be a good mother until I had a favorite animal.  I decided on the T-Rex.  Which has nothing to do with the mask purchase... but she helped me believe I needed it!  Quinn thinks is amazing- but Ronin is freaked out when we put it. haha!  

Quinn sporting the new mask

Bella and Uni-Quinn

I had friends over Friday night for dinner - when the kids came home Quinn put the mask on to pose with Julie (the bad-decision helper).

Saturday the Cub scouts were having a "cake auction" to raise money.  I had Ronin and Bella work on it all by themselves (I colored the frosting).  What I didn't know was that the moms just take over making the cakes!  I swore they wanted the kids to decorate it themselves, but it seemed nobody let their kid do that-- except me.  Ronin was frustrated because everyone else's cake looked so much better.  I kept telling him that's because the kids didn't do it themselves, and then he asked why I didn't do it for him :(  Great lesson Cub scouts-- if you want something done just make your parents do it??  I thought the cake turned out cute for a kids cake...  Rory bid on the cake and let Ronin take it home.  I COULD have made an amazing cake for him to auction off-- it just seemed wrong!   

Working on the Mine Craft cake drawings :)

The cake

Sunday night we went to the movie to see Big Hero 6.  We took Bella with us and ate popcorn and pretzels... yumm...  It was a really cute movie!  It might be my new favorite :)

The unicorn mask came with us to the movie... Ronin was thoroughly embarrassed :)

Today Ronin and his class are celebrating Valentines day.  We worked on the cards all weekend - or I should say, I taped them together, he wrote out his name on the front and each classmates name on the back of each one... while we ate the left over chocolate...  :)  Is it any surprise that they are Mine Craft valentines? 

"I'm no creeper, I just want to be your valentine"

And Ronin's 7th birthday is coming up!  I think we are just going to do it after school the week of his birthday so his neighbor friends can come over.  He's really into Michael Jackson for some reason so I got him a greatest hits album and a small radio/mp3/alarm clock for his room. :)

His invitations!

What else?  Quinn is almost completely potty trained, he only wears a pull up to sleep at night, and that seems to be dry most of the time :)  He had an accident yesterday and I asked "How did you pee yourself?!" and he answered "With my wiener".   :)  

And that's all she wrote.
for now.

Lots of love,

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