Monday, December 22, 2014

Gingerbread houses and Archery

Christmas week is here!  The boys come back home Christmas Eve night :)  We've been busy making gingerbread houses and watching Frosty the Snowman about a million times... Quinn wakes up asking to watch it, and then wants to watch it three or more times after that.  I don't know why he's fascinated with him, but it's his favorite show right now.

Another picture from Deborah's Christmas get together.  Alesha, Madison, and Deborah

The boys and the tree

We made a Nativity scene out of playdoh. ha ha!

One night Bella brought over some gingerbread houses for her and Ronin to make.  Quinn and I made a big one from a kit I had in the cupboard from last year.

Our house :)

Bella and Ronin's houses.  They just wanted to eat the candy and gingerbread.

I taught them how to play the "Lose your marbles" puzzle game...

The house a few streets away

And their neighbor... ha ha

A couple Friday's ago Ronin got his "Bobcat" badge... whatever that is.. and they had a Christmas party for the kids at the Cub Scout meeting.

Quinn liked the cookies the best

Ronin getting his badge (on the far right with me)

Santa at cub scouts


Birdhouse in a tree by my office - it survived the wind storms!

Egon drinking syrup, hanging like spiderman, and graffiti-ing our family picture.

Two Sundays ago we got our family pictures taken by my friend Kim.  She hasn't finished editing them, and the boys were taking turns being in rotten moods, but she sent me a couple of sneak peaks.

They had a bulldog at the house where Kim's picture studio was set up- so cute!

We brought Kiera to try to get pictures, she's actually looking at the camera here.

This pretty much sums up how the photo shoot went - and depicts their personalities pretty well. ha ha!

We went to my department Christmas party after work last week with Robert. :)

My friend Julie had Madison and I over to practice shooting arrows-- SO MUCH FUN!

Madison looks pretty bad ass. haha

Not much going on other than waiting for Christmas Eve to see the boys again, wake up to Santa presents and watch them unwrap gifts.  2015 is so close! Hoping to have a less stressful year next year!  

Merry Christmas :)

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