Monday, December 8, 2014

Turkey Day, Egon the Elf, and stuff

Quinn had his 3-year-old check up right after his birthday.  He kept asking if he was getting a shot, even though I told him he wouldn't.  His doctor explained to him how it's time to get potty trained and for a while he was really excited to get potty trained, but lately it seems like a lot of work so I have to set a timer every 30 minutes to ask him to go... he's doing okay, lots of accidents still and if he's really into playing with something he will tell me he doesn't have to go even when he does.  Stubborn boy!

Sad face boy "I don't want to get shots!"

The boys spent Thanksgiving with their dad so I spent mine with Robert and his offspring.  He made game hens instead of a big turkey - they were pretty yummy! 

Robert with his hand in a hen...

Robert's chicken giving me the eye...

The weekend after Thanksgiving we had our Thanksgiving at our house.  Lots of food and people, Quinn even skipped a nap and was mostly on his best behavior.

30 minutes after everyone left- he crashed on my bed.

We got the Christmas Decorations out that weekend and we watched A Christmas Story - the boys actually liked watching it.  Ronin want's ear muffs like Ralph and his little brother. haha

Quinn zoning out to Ralphie wanting a Red Rider BB gun

Ronin in a large stocking 

  We had Bella take our picture before heading to the library.

Thursday we saw Santa!  Except I got in trouble for trying to take my own pictures... but it didn't stop me, plus I got to make a small scene yelling at Santa's helpers that their picture policy is stupid.  Quinn asked Santa for presents and candy.  Ronin asked Santa for a creeper mask (from MineCraft), his two front teeth, and something else.

Quinn didn't want to sit by Santa, but he talked to him.

Ronin and Santa

Ronin's drawing of Santa :)

Out Christmas shopping, found the perfect sweater... haha

Someone brought us coffee at work!

Last night my friend Deborah had a Christmas get together at her house with some of our friends. She set up a little photo booth in one of her rooms- it was super cute!

My Friend Deborah's party - Byrekka and me

Alesha and Madison - could they be any cuter?

Look!  I'm Godzilla!

The boys and I are going to get a Christmas tree this week- hopefully it will stay alive until Christmas!  Quinn is still learning who Santa is and we read "The Night Before Christmas" each night before bed.  Our "Elf on a Shelf" changes locations every morning and it's a race to see who can find him first.  One morning he made a swing out of a toilet paper roll.  He might run out of ideas before Christmas though...  

Egon, the Elf on the shelf

Ronin has been reading to me every night before I read to him.  He's doing really well, although he fights it and doesn't want to read - he can sound out most of the words on his own or look at the picture and figure out what the word is.  I think he'll be reading like a pro by the end of the school year.  He and Bella are pretty much inseparable as soon as they get home from school.  She's almost like their super-fun sister or something.  Quinn even asks "is Bella going to come over?".  We take her with us on errands now, and I hate to say it but I'm pretty fond of her too, we even bought her Christmas gifts.  But shhh... don't tell the other neighbor kids...

The sucky thing about this time of the year is that it's sooo busy!  So many get-togethers and the shopping...  I have to put in my community involvement tomorrow after work.  I'm sad that I won't see the boys but it gets me extra time off with them another day.  :)

Lot's of love,

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