Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Yay for a weekend with the boys!

After sooo many weekends of not getting to wake up with my little men, I finally got a weekend :)  My heart has been breaking not getting to wake up with them like I used to do all the time.  I just wanted to hug and kiss them all weekend!
Last week we went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner one night.  We got to sit in the caboose which was pretty cool.  Their food is really lack-luster though.  I had a salad, but Quinn always force-feeds me what he's eating for a few bites, probably to show me how gross the food I'm giving him is...
We were in Target one night and Ronin saw a picture of a dog on a dogfood bag and said "LOOK! It's an abomination!"  I looked at the bag, it was a dalmation - I asked if that's what he meant, he said yes, but I kept laughing at his abomination comment.
Friday night we rented a movie, cuddled on the couch and did some silly poses for the camera.

Saturday the boys wanted to go to Nana and Papa's or the beach... I talked them into Lewisville Park instead.  We had a picnic under the tree's, played in the playground, accidentally interrupted a wedding - on our way to the bathroom... and we did the little hiking trail thing looking for bugs and critters.  We found a broken snail shell- which Quinn tried to eat, and a chipmunk, which he didn't try to eat. 

The snail shell before he put it in his mouth - yuck!

Sunday we went to IKEA to look at the cost of beds for Quinn and look at shower curtains to redo the boys' bathroom.  The boys were mostly good, but I was pushing it at nap time for Quinn- he kept wanting to go down the "alligator", which I finally figured out meant "escalator"... and then he wailed a little while I was paying... and then when we got home he talked to himself for 45 minutes instead of napping.  But he's been using the potty more now!!  I think he's sooo close to getting potty trained, but sometimes he'd just rather not get up to try.   So at IKEA we got a new shower curtain, bath rug and a scrub brush, and we had lunch. Yay!  I'm still undecided whether to get bunk beds or just a toddler size bed for Quinn for a while...  the IKEA beds are pretty inexpensive but then I'd have to get mattresses too...
Sunday Quinn had a runny nose...
I meant to post this last time I blogged, it's pretty cute.
The cutest

So the next weekend we have will be March 21st and we are going to try to go to Long Beach with Nana for the weekend.  The boys are excited to go to the beach :)  I just need to find a place to stay.

It was a nice weekend and I love them sooo much.  Ronin's birthday is on Friday!  his birthday party is on Thursday, he's pretty excited!  I just hope all 8 kids don't show up. ha ha!

Lots of love,

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Boys and Art

February only has 10 days left!  It's crazy how fast time flies.  Yesterday was Presidents day so I got to spend the entire day with my belly fruits.  It's kind of amazing how resilient they are - the temper tantrums are pretty much gone, unless someone gets some Red Dye #5... or really any sugar... there is a chance for a melt-down.  For the most part Quinn has been the one getting into trouble.  He likes to throw large, blunt objects at our faces when he doesn't agree with something we say or do. He's not a bad aim either.  Ronin got hit 4 times in one day.  Quinny spent time in time-out a lot that day.  But I think he kind of likes it...  after the 3rd time he said "OKAY!" and ran to his bedroom.  Time for floor, or nose to the wall-time-outs I suppose...  Mom always warned me that "paybacks are hell" and I may have thrown things too... my aim wasn't very good though.
One day after work Quinn decided it was time to brush my hair.  He made me sit while he got a brush and brushed my hair for quite a while.  It was so cute and nice to have someone brush my hair for me... such a good boy.
Brushing mommies hair

With the snow last week Quinn decided he's okay with hats now.  In fact he wanted to put some on me too. 
Ronin's teacher sent out her newsletter and there was a picture of Ronin (in green) with his classmates playing in the snow. 
Ronin got his name in the school newsletter! For exhibiting a character trait they were working on that week - Work Ethic. Good job Ronin! He didn't even know he was chosen by his teacher.

 Quinn found some nerd glasses and thought we should wear them.

Wednesday night Quinny wasn't feeling good.  He was holding his ears screaming "it hurts!" so I took him to urgency care.  We were there for hours because they had some emergency going on ahead of us.  He was a little trooper though and didn't get grumpy or throw a tantrum.  His ears were barely red inside so the doctor was hoping they'd clear up on their own, but if not we were supposed to go in to get them checked.  Poor guy.  But after the Ibuproferin kicked in he was all smiles.

Waiting for the doctor

Over the weekend I was recooping from my nasty cold.  And we had some friends over for pizza and movies.  On Sunday I picked up the boys, they had balloons and passed out in the car pretty much right away, sleepy guys.

Quinny napping in the car

Ronin naps like mommy does... mouth open.

We went to Fred Meyers on the way home to pick up some treats for the night.  Ronin wanted to look at toys for ideas for birthday presents, and have me take pictures of the toys.  Quinny was in on it too, but he'd say "I'd like that for Christmas!"  funny boys.

Gift idea... it is a hotwheels track...  kind of like the one he already has, but with a dinosaur.

Skylanders toys-- which I'm learning are all part of a huge money-taking toy/game business.  You have to buy a "port" which looks like a tiny ice arena - which hooks up to the PlayStation or whatever... and you have to make sure you have the correct game CD, plus these little creatures are all sold seperately.  Of course kids want it - it's hella cool!  and also hella spendy.  Good luck Ronin ;)

Sunday night we made a fort over my bed with a sheet and some clips.  We watched some Blues Clues and Sponge Bob before going to sleep.  Quinn decided he didn't want to sleep with us though!  He asked to go sleep in his crib.  Party pooper.

In the fort - the flash was super bright so Quinn turned away and Ronin closed his eyes...
On Monday we were going to go bowling, but decided to be crafty instead.  We bought a large canvas, some new paints and everyone contributed to the uber-cool-mom-and-boys modern art piece.

My artists

The finished piece... I just did the tree/sun/clouds.  Quinn mostly made the red blob by the tree that I helped him make into a heart.  Ronin made a robot (the large piece with orange eyes) and an igloo in the sky...  you can't question art.
Other than that things are pretty quiet.  Ronin really wants to go to the beach so we'll probably try to do that soon.  And hopefully see Nana and Papa even sooner.  :)
Lots of love,

Monday, February 10, 2014

Snow Days in February!

It's been a few weeks since I posted, but the boys have been busy and we have done a few things with our time.  We got to visit Nana and Papa on MLK Jr. day...

Pajama boy at Nana and Papa's

Listening to his Nintendo DS at Nana and Papa's
We went out to Shari's one night after Ronin's counseling appointment.  His counseling has been going well, she said he is a normal 5 year old boy.  I kind of figured as much, and am glad to hear it :)
Ronin took a "selfie" at Shari's

Silly boys

More sillyness
Ronin took one of me

Quinn after getting his blanket out of the dryer he said "it's so warm!"

Axl sleeping on my bed.
We went to the library last week for some "story time" and to play in the kids area.
Singing and dancing during story time.

Craft time at the library 
On Friday the 8th we woke up to lots of snow!  School was canceled so I took the day off to spend with the boys.  We woke up and had french toast smothered in whipped cream.  I tried to keep them in as much as possible since everyone has a cold, but we got out for a little while.  :)

Posing with mommy

I think I was tickling him and he went to tickle me, this picture made me laugh though.

And Ronin chilling in the Papasan on a snow day

We watched "The Croods"... they were in their respective bean bag chairs.

Quinn got his pad and pencil out to sit in his "thinking chair"

Quinn and I played for a while while Ronin was being lazy staying inside until I got my snowboard out, since all of their sleds are missing, and he decided to come out and play too ;)  I tied the snowboard to my waist to pull them around the yard, which didn't last long because after a few minutes Quinn started doing the splits and got snow in his glove and wanted to go back inside.

Ronin is celebrating Valentines day at school on Thursday so we're slowly making out the Valentines for his 21 classmates.  He did 6 last night.  He's getting pretty good at his penmanship :)  I just loved the eyeball suckers.  We get to contribute a "snack" on Thursday too...
Ronin's birthday is coming!  Since I don't know if I'll get to celebrate on a weekend yet, I made it for Thursday the 27th after school.  He's very excited and we're going to find things to fill his pinata this week :)
Other than never ending colds, the boys are happy and healthy.  They are full of hugs and snuggles for me :)  Ronin has gotten more snuggly than he used to be.  Quinn has gotten quite empathetic, if he hears me drop something he yells "are you okay mommy?!" I feel pretty blessed with my two little men.  :)  I am looking forward to summer to start taking some day trips with them.  We have Monday off for Presidents day, I'm trying to think of something fun to do with them...
Funny picture of Robert and me from a couple weekends ago :)
Lots of love,