Monday, October 14, 2013

Princesses and Pumpkins

This last weekend was pretty eventful for the boys.  We took them swimming Saturday morning and then to Madelines 5th birthday party.  It was a princess party. I love going to Madelines birthdays because I get to enjoy girly things!

The crazy gang

I'm trying to teach Quinn to stick his tongue out for pictures... I know, this isn't very classy.  Mike photo-bombed this picture.  Funny.

The mommy-princesses

Ronin in a princess hat - it will stick like that!

Quinny is my sweet little princess.

We are celebrating Clark Public Utilities 75th Anniversary this year.  We got new coffee cups :)

And my little boys know how to party like rock stars...  This took me 2 hours to clean up...
Quinny LOVES Blues Clues.  He stands super close to it, and he started memorizing the lines...  I'm not sure this is good for his development, but it's so cute to hear him ask for Blues Clues...
Sunday we went to a pumpkin patch in Boring or Damascus, Oregon with Grandma/pa Jones.  It was such a nice day and the little pumpkin patch wasn't super crowded like the popular ones. 

Quinn and me by some alien thingy...

Ronin rode in the caterpillar ride.

Looking at the pumpkins

Quinny looking for pumpkins

Found our pumpkins :)


They had a horse drawn wagon to take us to/from the pumpkins

Ronin was super excited to ride up front.

And we made him pull the pumpkins to the car...

Boys are growing like weeds.  Ronin has his school pictures tomorrow.  Quinn LOVES swimming now.  If we ask if he wants to go swimming he gets all wound up screaming "SWIMMING! YEAH YEAH YEAH!"  it's too funny. I think we'll put him in lessons next month.

Ronin seems to be needing some special mommy-time lately.  Poor guy.  I know Quinn takes away a lot of my attention...  this parenting thing is super hard. 

Birthdays and Halloween are coming up!  I need to get ready for Quinn's cookie monster birthday :) 

Lots of love,

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