Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My little fishes

It's been a slow few weeks, thus the lack of blogs.  The boys are doing great.  Keeping me very busy chasing after them.  We went swimming with the new underwater camera last weekend, the boys had a blast and we got some good pictures of them :)
 Fish boy

Ronin is getting so good at diving!

Look, I even went under water :)

Ronin and daddy on the slide

This picture is the best.  He didn't inhale any water, surprisingly.  It's so funny though!

Quinn looks uncomfortable...

Testing the hold of that inner tube..

We had a couple of nice days this weekend so the boys got to play in their power wheels.  Although Quinn just pushes the gas pedal and doesn't steer, so it doesn't go very far...  Ronin told me Bella (neighbor kid across the street) is his best friend.  aw!  They play together a lot.  I love seeing him play with the neighbor kids :)  Plus I get a break from being his slave for a while. haha

Bella and Ronin
Quinn likes to watch Blues Clues lately, although he doesn't have the attention span for the whole video tape, it's so cute to hear him ask for it.  I gave him a step stool to carry around so he could turn the lights on and off because, for some reason, that is fascinating to him.  He brought it to the silverware drawer, and since he can only reach the spoons with the child lock on, he started gathering spoons.  I hollared "Quinn, what are you doing?" and I heard him running away laughing with his spoons.  He had me rolling. Such a funny guy.
The other morning Ronin and I were watching WildKratz. And he goes “WHAT?! They don’t know the AWESOME POWER OF PIGEONS?!” and I said “you mean pooping on things?” and he replies with “No, pooping is not an awesome power, mom.” I asked what their awesome power is; he said “their beaks – are like scalpels!” Now I’m slightly afraid of pigeons…
Funny boys :)
Nothing new going on.  I can't believe it's October already!  craziness.
Lots of love,

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