Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween and Changes

It's been a few weeks since I've updated on the boys.  Their father and I are going to divorce and while it's going to be tough for a little while on the boys, it's going to be a better life for everyone.  They'll get special daddy time and special mommy time soon.  I hope someday they realize that mommy and daddy weren't good together but we love them very much. :)
Ronin took home a carebear a couple of weeks ago, it's some kind of reward in his class for being extra nice to someone.  He slept with it and wrote some notes in a journal, he was very excited to bring the bear home.
Carebear and Ronin

Quinn and an apple

One of Ronin's projects for school.

Quinny got to paint his pumpkin.

Ronin carved his pumpkin all by himself.

I don't know why Quinn kept doing this, but it made me laugh.

Ronin found some mustaches.

Ronin and his "zombie" teeth.

Quinn kept calling this his "thinking chair"

Ronin got a dinosaur dig kit for selling so many coupon books for school.

Roller Derby costumes at work (me, Jeremy and Deborah)

Ronin made his own zombie mask and put the blood on his clothes for halloween.

Quinn didn't want to wear the mask.

Ready for candy!

Pretty cool costume :)

He was too quick...

The neighbor kids

Pretty funny

Waiting for the bus, Quinn loves Destiny :)

Quinny watching Blues Clues in his brothers bean bag chair.
The boys and I got to escape to Goldendale last weekend to visit Papa and Nana.  Ronin missed Tina a lot.  Quinn had a blast running around the house making messes.  It was nice to get away :)

Ronin and Tina

Ronin's been bringing home books he can read each week.  He made his own Frankenstien book to read to me.  It's super cute :)  He's so creative.

Ronin reading to me.
Quinn's birthday is on Sunday!  He'll be two... they are growing up so fast.  More to come after this weekend :)

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