Monday, May 20, 2013

First loose tooth!

Last week Ronin attended his Kindergarten Open House.  We missed the bus ride, but he made it in time for the playground, snack, reading, and craft they had him do.  Meanwhile, I had Quinn in the school library trying to listen to the Principal give her schpeel (Rory wasn't home in time for me to leave Quinn at home).  Quinn typed on the computers, pulled books off the shelf, and then ran away from me giggling "sneaky baby!" while he did.   Finally I grabbed him and headed to the hall to wait for the orientation to end.   We went into the classrooms to pick up our kindergartener, and Quinn decided he wanted to go out the door, I told him no, so he sat against the door and pounded his head against it!  I walked away and spoke to one of the teachers about something, I explained that he's having a tantrum and I have to ignore him, but it was so embarrasing when everyone was watching him and then looking at me!  Bad Baby!  haha

But Ronin had a blast and every morning he asks if it's the end of summer yet so he can go to his "new" school.   Poor guy- trying to speed summer up just so he can begin his 13 year school adventure. 

They spelled his name wrong... not sure what that says for the school system... haha
We finally got our vegetables planted in the ground, they are very happy and doing great!  I can't wait to start harvesting and eating them! yay!
Our Garden
Ronin got to go to "Dizzy Castle" jungle gym with Sean on Saturday, Shelley was nice enough to take them.  They had a blast and got to play a little while afterward. 
This picture slightly reminds me of a pregnant couple where the dad stands behind the mom with his hand on her belly... hahaha
And Quinny is healing nicely!  After our post-op appointment where we were told to blur his left eye on the weekends- I emailed her again because his right eye seemed to straighten itself out and he looks fine.  She wants to see him in a couple of weeks but we don't have to blur his left eye at this time.  I hope his right eye caught on and we won't need to do anything further...  The redness is almost entirely gone too- he looks more like himself!
This is him reading to himself :)
Him in Shelley's lap- he's squeezing the balloon while saying "squeeze!"
Ronin discovered last night that one of his teeth is loose!  He's been talking non stop about it ever since and trying to wiggle it with his tongue and finger.  He's so excited!  His dentist warned me it would be soon but I didn't believe him!  I can't wait to see the hole in his mouth.  haha
Other than that we didn't do much. Ronin and Rory saw the new Star Trek movie with Grandma and Grandpa.  We took a bike ride with the boys on Sunday- Ronin's doing well peddling his bike but I think he needs a bigger bike already, his legs are too long!  And Quinn is Mr. Independent and started walking off the playground saying "bye guys" after he was done playing.  I have a feeling he's going to be my challenge baby...  clever guy...
Nothing much going on this week!  just waiting for that tooth!
Take care,

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