Thursday, June 6, 2013

Baby Vampires and Fairy Dust

Nothing too crazy going on in the Jones household lately.
Ronin drew a "Vampire Baby" at school, which is now on our fridge next to the brain-eating zombie.

Vampire Baby by Ronin
Quinn has been asking to use the potty... but he just practices getting up and down and likes to stick his feet through the hole...  I don't think there's much hope of starting real potty training yet.
Practicing on the potty
Loooks like the video link is working again so here's his potty video:
Quinn wanted to wear Ronin's spiderman costume one day so I put it on him and he was pretty happy with it on, although I had to put it on and take it about 2 more times that night.

Ronin FINALLY lost that first tooth!  It took nearly 2 weeks!  and then he swallowed it...  So he decided to draw a picture of what the tooth looked like and leave the note for the tooth fairy.  She was very kind and gave him a gold dollar coin with a couple of tiny letters sprinkled in fairy-dust, which he informed me was glitter- NOT fairy dust, because it doesn't make him fly.
His tooth picture

Missing first tooth!
Quinn is still very onry, and thinks it's funny to steal things from you and then run away giggling.  He does it with laundry, food, remotes, phones...  and here he is with my water bottle:
Ronin is doing really good in pre-school, he even got an "all star" award from his spanish teacher the other day.  He's making lots of friends and is still counting down the days until Kindergarten starts :)
Ronin in his pre-school classroom.
Our garden is doing well, we even had a strawberry ripen enough to eat!
Ronin eating the first strawberry - he said it was the best ever strawberry.  haha
We went as a family to see Jack the Giant Slayer at the $3 theater, Quinny did well for the first hour, and then didn't want to sit still much after that, but from what I could tell it was a really fun movie that we'll probably want to buy.  Quinn loved eating movie theater popcorn and just staring at the screen...  So later that weekend we popped a movie in and he did the same thing, but with cereal... 
Zoning out to a cartoon

Quinn is obsessed with Axl, and follows him everywhere trying to "snuggle"

After many tears, Daddy finally gave in and let Quinn hold his phone.  He pretends to talk on them.
Nothing much going... Quinn had his 18 month check up and his final 2 shots (until he's 4).  He's in the 75th percentile for weight, 90th percentile for height, and 50th percentile for head size.  My little tank!  
We are going to the Zoo tomorrow - Quinn's first time ever!  Ronin really wanted to see the new baby elephant.  We are going with Sean and his mom, Cheyla and one of my friends.  It should be a nice day to be there!
We miss Nana and hope she has a good trip in the South! 
More pictures/updates later, lots of love,

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