Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Up, Dude!

Quinny is now saying "UP" very clearly when he wants you to pick him up.  At first it was "UT", but now he's got that "P" in there and it's very clear what he's asking.  How can we not pick him up when he says it in his cute little baby voice??  Oh and he's got a second molar tooth on the bottom now!  I think that makes for 10 teeth!

And Ronin has been watching way too much Scooby Doo because his new favorite word is "DUDE" and this morning he said "DUDE, I just totally paused my cartoon as I was sliding off the couch!"  haha

Our weekend was another lazy laid back one.  We went to dinner at On The Border- mexican food.  Quinn didn't like the beans, which is weird because he likes to eat anything!  and Ronin didn't like his enchilada...  guess they just aren't into Mexican food.  :(  We went to Home Depot to price out some pieces for Ronin's fort -- we are going to try to add a slide and some swings to Ronin's fort after this next paycheck so he'll have it for his birthday this year :)

Here are some hand-tree's the boys made with me yesterday:
Ronin's tree- he cut and pasted everything himself

Quinn's tree (with fingerprint apples)

Ronin and I had our dental cleanings/exams with a new dentist this last week.  They were very thorough and a lot more high-tech than our old dentist office.  Ronin has his first cavity :(  We have to go in next month to get it filled.  I didn't tell him there will be a shot yet... I've only told him he's going to be a pirate once he gets his gold tooth.  The dentist thinks it might not be from food sitting on it, but it didn't finish forming properly when it was growing.  Either way, it's a hole that needs to be filled up.   I get to go in next month too to replace a filling-- the dentist is going to try to do it without novocaine because it's not a deep filling.  I actually hope they change their mind and give me the novocaine, I don't really want to feel them ripping my old filling out...

Ronin's dentist photo

I painted another wall in the house- so now my back room is almost complete!  I just need to finish painting the other walls tan and then it should be done.  I love my new rug and my chair cushion :)

New paint, curtains, rug, wall decorations, I moved my TV back there too... I love our backroom now!

The boys in my chair, Quinny is clapping

That's about it for this week... Ronin has his 3rd rock climbing class tomorrow!  And I've found a new camera I want to buy!  It's $250- but it's a waterproof Nikon CoolPix AW100 camera so we can take it with us in the pool or the river and it's made a lot tougher than our other cameras so the sand won't bother it at all... so now I have to save my money!

I made this delicious cheesecake on Monday for my boss's birthday, everyone said it was the best cheesecake they've ever had and that it was better than Larsen's Bakery - quite the compliment!  And it was super easy to make!

Brownie Chocolate Chip Cheesecake

The recipe is on Allrecipes.com

The boys are still waiting for Nana and Papa to get Skype on their computer so they can see and talk to them!  (hint, hint)

lots of love,

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