Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas, New Year, and the last Twinkie

Happy 2013!

We had a fabulous Christmas and a good New Years so far :)

We spent the weekend before Christmas at Nana and Papa's house and the boys were spoiled with all kinds of fun gifts!   Ronin was hoping for more snow at Nana's house, but he was pretty content to play with his new toys and the dogs.  :) 

Quinny showing Papa he knows how to rip up paper!

On Christmas Eve night we opened gifts at Grandma Jan and Grandpa Rod's house, everyone (except us) had to work so it was a late and rushed event... but the boys got spoiled again there too!
New gloves

Happy boy with his Ritz cracker

Me and Brooke

Ronin found a Twinkie in Grandma/pa's freezer... we told him it was the last Twinkie on earth, but he didn't seem to care:
Last Twinkie...

Christmas morning was nice and relaxing; the boys got their santa gifts first, Rock-em Sock-em Robots for Ronin and Quinn got a new (toy) cell phone... and stocking stuffers.  They opened the rest of their gifts and we got to sit around in our PJ's the rest of the day and play with all the new toys we all got :) At some point in the day Ronin exclaimed "This is the BEST Christmas EVER!" 

During one of Ronins time-out for something... he came out and gave me these self-portraits...
he said they are of him crying...  haha - poor guy!

Ronin made a pirate ship :)

While Ronin was watching Finding Nemo in the living room, Rory and I watched "The Immortals" in our room (Quinny was napping) and since Ronin's movie got done first I told him to play quietly in his room... Well instead he got some paper and tape and made himself a peg-leg:
Creative little bugger!  Peg-Leg Pirate Ronin!

I got a new rug for my "reading nook" in the back room, and we tend to spend more time in there now... and the boys enjoy pulling my papasan chair cushion onto the floor on my new rug and Ronin decided to make a cage for him and his brother out of my chair too..
Quinn doesn't look like he's having as much fun...

While I was at the movies on Saturday Ronin got really sick and puked all over our bed...  He said he felt better afterwards, and then he fell asleep in his little rocking chair in the living room... poor guy. It was the first time he's ever puked, and he's a nose-puker like his mom apparently... hehe

New Years Eve brought on a bunch of snow!  It didn't really sticky at our house but it did in Orchards.  On New Years day I took the boys out to Walmart for something to do while Rory was still at work... Quinn was NOT happy that I put a hat on his head to keep him warm:
Poor guy!

Oh, and Quinn LOVES Cheetoh- PUFFS, he will take them out of your hand if you aren't paying attention... he climbed ontop of his car, somehow managed to balance there without falling off and on his tippy toes he reached for the bag of Cheetoh-puffs that was on the couch, managed to get them and started walking off with the whole bag...  He also got a new tooth, his first molar tooth!  Now he'll really be able to bite!

Ronin reminded me this morning that we forgot to set up a Santa-trap on Christmas Eve...  he was dissapointed that we didn't try to trap him.  Maybe next year!   Quinny started dancing lately too, I need to record it, but we were dancing in the kitchen on New Years and he kind of squats to the music over and over... so cute!

After Ronin got to feeling better he decided he wanted to sing his own song and play guitar, so here's his song:

Ronin starts his Rock Climbing classes tonight at 5 for the next 4 Wednesday nights, it was one of his Christmas presents from us.  I'll have to post photo's/video soon!

Happy New Year to whoever reads this!

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